5-Your Pet Peeve

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His silent and mysterious disposition is all fine and well. In fact it's one of the things that drew you to Itachi in the first place! However, there is a such thing as being too quiet and that's what Itachi tends to be sometimes. Its annoying to you that you can't have conversations with him on days like that.


You can't stand that he's always offering to swim whenever there's a hot day. Sometimes you don't want to swim because you may want to stay indoors with him and tv, not outside with all the insects and the minows that bite when you sit too still in the water. Hell, sometimes you just can't swim! You understand that red visitor each month, that Kisame doesn't seem to grasp.


Sure you fell for that cocky smirk and that foul mouth, but sometimes it got on your nerves. Sometimes it was hard to take him into public without worrying about him cursing up a storm around small children, elderly ladies, church goers, and respectable public figures like a mayor or something. Get that man a muzzle!


It was kind of annoying that he spends a lot of time counting the same money over and over. Sometimes you just want him to hold you, while he just wants to hold dollar bills. Sometimes you even wished you were money so that you'd get that much attention. At the end of the day, he annoys you but he still loves you more than money.


Although you love his art and you love bonding over it, you hate how he'll throw himself into a full lecture about his view on aesthetics. If there's even a mention about art, Deidara begins his long winded speech about his view on things. He's really annoying sometimes, but still less than Hidan speaking about Jashin


You have a pet peeve with how forward and oblivious he can be. Like when he asks you questions at home like "you pee sitting?" And other things like that. He will literally tell you "I'll turn you into a puppet if you ever wanted me to." Its not just bad at home either. He would have a conversation with a complete stranger in public saying "Oh, at first I thought you were pregnant, but it just turns out you're overweight. Sorry about that, fatty."


Its fun that Tobi tends to be childish and playful, but sometimes you reach your limit when you worry about him drowning in the bathtub. You want a boyfriend, not a child to take care of. However, you loved Tobi deeply so this is just something you tend to brush off a lot of times.

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