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Steve awoke to the sound of birds, their songs coming through the open window. it was nice being awoken by birds, in stark tower in centre New York he rarely heard birds. Steve and tony were in the middle of the country in a B&B, they had decided to stay the night after going around a few orphanages rather then go back to stark tower, it would have taken too long and Steve was tired and rather upset. Tony and Steve were looking for a child to adopt but they couldn't find the right one... It sounds mean when you saw it like that but they're superheroes and they wanted a child who would be okay, stable even if they were called on a mission or had to go somewhere suddenly and had to leave their child alone for a while. They wanted someone strong enough to be okay with their parents occupation. Steve sat up and stretched looking down at his sleeping husband he smiled, who knew he'd end up with tony stark in his bed drooling on his pillows. Steve decided to get up and have a shower giving tony the extra few minutes lie in. They had one more orphanage to look in today, St. Mary's orphanage. It was in the middle of no where and would take a few hours to drive to but Steve didn't mind the journey if he was going to find a child. After his shower he exited the bathroom with a towel around his waste and a smile on his face, tony was sitting up on the bed fully dressed with an iPad in his hand.

"Morning babe" tony greeted looking up at Steve "morning" Steve answered him with a kiss. "If we wanna get to the orphanage early we better leave soon, once you're dressed think you'll be ready? We can get breakfast later" tony said standing up, he was eager to go but Steve didn't really mind, he wanted to go too "sure let me just get dressed and we'll head, it's too early for food anyway" Steve answered and began to get dressed. It was 7am and neither of the men felt hungry, just excited. "I never got over how fabulous that ass is" tony said slapping steve's ass, with a blush Steve slapped Tony's arm "what?" Tony laughed before grabbing his bag and putting his stuff away "perv" Steve mumbled and finished getting dressed "perv?" Tony laughed again "I'm you're husband" "you're my pervert" Steve said blushing as he packed his stuff away too.

"So, do you think you want a girl or a boy?" tony began as he got into the drivers seat. "I don't really care but I guess a son would be nice..." Steve said looking out the window, he honestly didn't care about the gender of his child as long as he or she is healthy and happy. He just said a son because he doesn't really know much about girls but he could learn, he has the rest of the avengers to help him if they adopted a girl Natasha could help. "I'd like a son too, girls are great till teenage years then satans waterfall hits and I just don't know if I can handle that every month" tony said causing Steve to laugh "we'd manage, plus Natasha is female I'm sure she could help our daughter with... Female stuff" "satans waterfall." "Fine she'd help with satans waterfall" Steve said laughing to himself. "Let's just focus on the road okay tony?" Steve poked Tony's arm, tony smiled over at Steve before focusing on the road again.

The orphanage was scary to say the least, the tall building looked like it was going to collapse at any minute the grey walls made Steve think of death and sadness and the pathetic excuse of a playground was ruined, rusty swings and climbing frames it brought tears to Stevens eyes "this place is a wreak, this is no place for a child to grow up in!" Steve began but tony wasn't listening "maybe the inside is better..." Tony suggested but knew it wouldn't be, this place was run down, "I don't care if we don't find a child here i'll donate money to this place" tony said looking over at Steve, he hugged him and held him close "thanks tony" Steve said into Tony's shirt, Steve didn't know why but this place just really upset him, the bad energy and the run down building was just too much. "Let's go inside" Steve nodded and followed his husband inside

The inside was grey and sad like the outside, there was one person at a reception desk who looked far more interested in a magazine then anything else "excuse me?" Tony said to the woman behind the desk, she looked up and sighed putting down her magazine "how can I help?" She said clearly annoyed we intruded in her magazine time. "We're looking for Mr. White, the owner of this place?" Steve asked the lady " wait here" she said before disappearing into a room behind the desk "well I'm sorry we want to adopt a kid, jeez" tony mumbled before going to sit in a waiting chair, Steve following behind him. With a sigh they both sat down and waited

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