I'm Still Manly... Okay?

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The weekend is here, and I know I'll see Louis again, but it will be under different circumstances. He will more likely be around Eleanor, and we will see the guys.

Can I handle seeing him with her when I am drinking? I really don't know.

I am struggling more with what we are doing behind Eleanor's back. It's all I'm thinking about.

"Aren't you ready yet?" Liam calls through my door.

"No, stop rushing me."

"At least sing me some songs while you're getting ready, I'm bored waiting for you." He grumbles, making me laugh fondly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Payne, some of us had to go to work this morning." I huff. "I needed to shower, you know, to smell clean."

"Oh, shut up and sing me a song." He laughs.

"What one?"

"That one from that boy band you like, I can't remember the song name." He calls.

Nice and obscure. That tells me everything.

"That helps, Li," I chuckle. "Sing a bit."

"What is it with you and boy bands anyway?" He calls and I laugh, sarcastically.

"Well, they shouldn't look so fucking sexy, should they?" I grin, picking out some trousers. "Now, if you want me to sing that song, I need to know how it goes."

He laughs at my comment, before trying to sing a bit of the song. Oh, yeah. Hey Angel.

"Really?" I laugh, sifting through my clothes.

"Yes, I can admit it's a good song," He calls. "Just sing it already."

"Okay, Li, I'll serenade you, if you insist."

I sing the whole song, getting louder with each line because I really get into it. I really like the song.

"Now do that Walking In The Wind one." He laughs.

"God, you're greedy today." I call to the door.

I sing though, because I love doing it and because he's my best friend, who puts up with my sex life.

I grab a Hawaiian shirt, putting it on over my tshirt, leaving it open, and put on my brown boots. That'll have to do, it's not likely I'll pull tonight considering we aren't going out. I grab my car keys, before messily fingering at my nearly dry hair.

"Hey, Li," I call as I walk out the door. "Do I look alright?"

I'm met with a full lounge, everyone here. Liam sits there smirking, because he did trick me, like he said.

"Fuck!" I yelp, turning back into my room, hiding because they all heard me singing.

"No!" Niall calls. "Don't hide, that was amazing."

"Plus, we've already heard it, Harry." Eleanor calls, her voice fond.

She shouldn't be fond of me, I do things with her boyfriend.

I'm blushing so hard.

"I can't believe you'd do this to me, Liam! I'm outraged!" I half joke. "I literally can't walk out of this room, I might die."

The door pushes into my body, and Niall comes in.

He cackles, eyeing up my face.

"Oh, look at you. So cute!" He tries to pinch my cheeks, but I bat his hands away. "Your face is so red."

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