Chapter 53: And So It Begins

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Today is the battle.

I am terrified.

I am ready.

Challenge accepted.


We hike the few miles until the top of the hill. We have only 30 minutes to prepare when we arrive. The woods here are quiet, we hear nothing except the sound of our footsteps, crunching on the dead leaves. Where did the time go?

When we finally reach the backyard of those poor innocent people, we set up. We cannot see Elementar. He is going to be late. How is someone late for a battle. I guess he doesn't think it is such a big deal. He must think that he is undefeatable, invincible, or fashionable enough to be late. But sister, let me tell you. That uniform, is soooo 13th century, yet modern at the same time.


Ariel: 18 years old - hair in a ponytail - still too short - white leggings and shirt to fit my power needs.

Pepto: 14 years old - straight dark hair - tall - cloths to match/blend in with my powers.

April: 13 years old - hair french braided - medium sized - gray leggings and shirt to let me spin faster.

Julie: 13 years old - normal hair, don't care- shortest - black leggings and shirt, cape.

We put on our shoes and got our weapons.

I have my ice boards, ice hammer (you'll see what that's for in a little bit) and wrist blaster, it puts poison into my ice.

I have my powers, and that's all I need.

I have the wands and my spell book.

I have my hair, I mean my lighter and lava pack, and I have my giant balls of metal!

That's when we all went silent. Everyone lined up clanking their armor, rushing to finish up their weapon checks. That is when our adrenaline kicked in.

A soft 'thump, thump, thump' sound made its way closer and closer to the top of the hill. We could have sworn that those few moments were hours.

When it stopped, we saw a figure standing tall at the other side of the field. The stomping had stopped, but a new sound started.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" The roar of a large army.

A scout from our side looked through the miro-binoculars, the army looked to be hundreds of miles long. They were man slaying beasts, and we had to fight them. All of them.

Elementar just stood there, sharpening a long, shiney... Machete. It was stained red, from the blood of his enemies. This is where we started to cry.

"Whatever happens! We will defeat him, and his stupid army of pigmen! We will kill them all! And take their hair for wigs!! AH-HAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!!!" Pepto yelled.

"Ummmm, maybe not like that, but. Today, your best is your worst, and your worst, will get us all killed. We need to work harder than EVER before!" Ariel announced to the army.

"I think I like Pepto's speech better!" yelled a girl from the army.

"First we set off half of the Death Balls, to cut down on the opposing army we have to physically fight. The Slickers will go out halfway through the battle, and Pepto, April, Julie and I will go out one by one at the end, to face Elementar. Our army goes out just before we run out of shooting materials, like bombs and Death Balls and things like that!" She continued. "Pepto, April, Julie and I will watch over the battle from here and help with the throwing and shooting of things, and we will use our powers from the front line."

"Will we get tacos after?" another soldier shouted.

"Sure, you can aaaalll go to Taco Po's after!" Ariel yelled, clearly annoyed.

A fanfare blew out across the battlefield from the other side, but, they were a little flat. We are sure that Elementar wouldn't want to hear that though.

"Put up the barriers!" April commanded.

"Put up the umbrellas too!" Pepto said.

We all looked at him weird.

"It might rain!" he defended his 'case'.

"BLAH BADEE BLOO BLAH BLAH HAHAHA!" Elementar roared from the other side of the backyard.

"Ummmm, is that some type of war call? Or are you choking on your ignorance?" Julie called.

"Shut up you putrid fools! I shall slaughter your commanders and turn your hair into my new wigs!" Elementar bellowed.

"Do you even know what any of that means?" April questioned.

"See! That is a thing!" Pepto grinned.

"Let's just get this over with, I don't even know why we are doing this!"

"Because-" Elementar stopped for a minute to think of a "reason", as to why he wanted to kill us.

"Whatever," he continued, "DIE!"

He sent forward a group of troops, about half the size of our army, and it was only 1/18th of his.

"Masks!" Pepto yelled. We pulled down our Death Gas masks. Half of our Death Balls flew across the field. Pink sparks flew behind each one, which lead a trail of deadly smoke. 50 of them landed on the heads of the army behind Elementar, the gas killed all of the troops he sent first, the loud noises and sparks scared off Elementar's horses.

"BOOM GOES THE DEATH BOMBS!" Julie screamed.

Elementar's army was still strong.

"Idiots." Elementar mumbled as he built up a big platform of Earth, and rose to the top of it.

"April." Pepto signaled that it was her turn.

She lifted her hands and looked up at the blubbering idiot on top of the tall column, as hard as she could she jumped and pushed her hands out to the area Elementar was in. He was blown back but her wind, and fell.

We high-fived for a minute until we got nailed with weeds. Not regular weeds, hair weeds.

"AHHHH! IT'S BACK FOR ME! RUUUUN!!!!!!!" Pepto screamed. But it was too late. Elementar flung out his big arms and hair came flowing across the grass, it wrapped itself around us and tipped us to the ground. Our army was still standing. They shot their power guns and toxic fumes.

"Great, now what do we do?" Ariel asked.

"Hair be gone!" Julie whispered. All of the hair slowly unraveled and disappeared. Pepto was left bald.

"This is no time for pranks!"

"Oh well."

Ariel got up and stood at the front lines. Big pig men were approaching and gaining speed. She shot out poisonous darts of ice (courtesy of Julie). They pierced the pigmen, and they fell.

Pepto zapped them with his lightning, and set off a fireball. They went running, but Elementar stepped forward.

We battled out our enemies until half of the battle was through,

"SLICK'UHS!" Pepto screeched.

The slickers stepped forward, and we went into the battle. We all passed the front lines and started to use our powers.

Ariel, pulled water from the sink inside their house and froze it into a hammer. She went speeding around the opposing soldiers whacking their heads as hard as she could. About 50 0f them were knocked out. 70 of them got blown to the ground and rained on, and 67 of them were burnt. Julie started up with her wand and put out a few spells. The spell of being motionless and more. She teleported across the field and went into the other army to set off a bomb. It exploded right as her portal closed.

"Ding DINGG!!!!!!" A bell rang, half of the battle was done. We sent out our army.

"RROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAARARRRRRR!!!!!!" our team screamed at the top of their lungs. The Taco Guy ran, and so did the others. The pigmen were big, and crushed them. A tear dripped down each of our faces, "THIS IS WAR!" Elementar screamed. "This is war." April repeated in a whisper.

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