28. Undergoing Changes

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Fred rested back onto my bed and pulled me onto him. I rested my head on his shoulder and hummed with delight in his warm embrace.
"I don't mean to pry but have you ever thought what happened to you the night that your parents died? Did You-Know-Who even know you existed?" Fred asked me randomly.
I furrowed my eyebrows in thought, "I guess I've thought about it but I've just never asked. Perhaps I'll asked Dumbledore next time I see him."
"That would have been the first thing I asked Dumbledore," he replied.
"Well, I'm not you, am I? I suppose I was just too awestruck that I was a Potter. I had grown up believing that I was a Hunter but then suddenly overnight it changed. It's funny to think that I found out now over a year ago."
"Time sure does seem to fly. Before you know it we'll be married and have children of our own running around."
"You want to have children with me?"
"One day."

I was so in love with Fred. I just wished that I could be in his embrace forever. It was warm and comforting. His love for me was radiating off of him through his embrace. It seemed so cliché but I felt as though I fell more in love with him every day and I couldn't wait to grow old with him. Thankfully we still had a lifetime ahead of us for that. Every moment with him felt as though it was heaven on earth.
"I love you, my dearest Maddy," he said as he leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.
"I love you too, Freddie and I always will," I replied. I soon found myself drifting into a light slumber in his arms.

"Well, aren't you two cute?" Mrs Weasley's voice rang causing the both of us to awake. "I came up to inform the both of you that tea was ready and I open the door to see you like this. Oh, it's so adorable, dears."
With a blush I replied, "Thank you, Mrs Weasley. We'll be down in a moment."
"Take your time, dears."
I yawned and threw my head back for a moment.
"You should spend tonight in my room," Fred replied. "It'll be just like old times."
"Freddie, I spent the other night in your bed," I responded.
"Well, another night doesn't hurt, does it?"
"Fine. Let's head down for dinner. I'm sure that everyone will be expecting us. Lord knows what they think we've been doing."
Fred gave me a wink in response.

"Ah, and here the love birds are! Molly was just telling us all about how adorable you guys were," Sirius said teasingly causing Remus to slap him on the arm.
"Oh, shut up, Padfoot," I replied with a smirk.
"Whatever, Ash," Sirius said, rolling his eyes like an angsty teenager.
"Ash?" several people questioned.
"Well, I suppose I ought to announce it," Sirius said proudly. "Young Maddy is now the fifth marauder. We, as in Moony and I taught her to become an animagus today, thus her new nickname is Ash."
"Congratulations Maddy, but why Ash?" Tonks asked.
"You see, she takes form as a Husky and has a beautiful ash coloured coat," Remus replied.
"You'll have to show us!" Ginny stated enthusiastically.
"Perhaps tomorrow," I replied. "I'm quite exhausted today. It has been a long day."

We all began to eat the lovely dinner that Mrs Weasley had cooked up for us. I always enjoyed her cooking. It made you feel as though you were at home. Tonight we had a Yorkshire Pudding with lamb and roast potatoes and other assorted roasted vegetables on the side. Mrs Weasley had also gone to the trouble of making dessert. She had made a Treacle tart, which reminded me of Hogwarts considering that was the first dessert I had ever had there. After stuffing myself to be as full as could be, Fred and I headed upstairs. I quickly slipped into some pyjamas before going into his room and climbing into his bed.
"Are you sleeping in here tonight, Maddy?" George asked.
"If that's okay with you? Fred's begged me to sleep with him," I replied.
"Of course it's okay. You're like my sister," he said with a smile.
I pulled the covers up around my body and snuggled into Fred's warm embrace once again."
"Goodnight Fred," I replied, only to hear a fake cough from the other side of the room. "And goodnight to you too, George."
"Goodnight Maddy," George replied.
"Goodnight, love," Fred whispered in my ear before placing a small, innocent kiss on my neck. "I love you."
"I love you too."


Author's Note:

Hey you guys. How are you doing? I'll be honest, I've been procrastinating this chapter for a few weeks. I just don't know where to go with this story. I mean, I know where to go in the long run but short term, I'm not really sure what to write.

So, if you have any ideas for this story, please, pretty please comment them! It would mean the world to mean. If there's anything you want to see or any style of writing you'd want me to try, please feel free to let me know :)

Now, the Question of the Day:

If you could save one life from the Harry Potter series, who would it be?

I'm not sure who I'd save. Probably either Fred, Remus or Sirius.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Please. VOTE, FOLLOW, COMMENT and SHARE as it really helps me out and encourages me to write more.

Love you guys,

~MadGirl. xxx.

Fred Weasley: My LoverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin