Natsu vs. Yuka the Wave User

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"What's this feeling?" I asked aloud. I feel weird and numb, great I'm getting frostbite from this stupid ice. I reached the top of the mountain. When I got up there Gray was lying facedown on the ground. "What's the matter? Get up Gray! Get up Gray! Get up Gray! Man you look rough. He beat the snot out of you huh." He looked up at me.

"Natsu...what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't remember how to get to the village so I climbed back up to look for it."

"Where's Nashi?" I saw him looking around.

"What are you talking about Blackie flew Nashi back to the village. Maybe you did hit-" I said. I trailed off when I saw Nashi. I ran over, she had been frozen in ice.

"What happened?" I asked over my shoulder.

"Nashi came back to fight. She had a feeling Lyon would kill me so she tried to help. Lyon casted a magic spell on her that froze her body to ice. There's nothing left of her body."

"No way.... That means she's..." I said. "No. There has to be a way to save her. There has to be." I picked her up and placed her in one arm. I reached down and grabbed Gray from the back of his shirt.

"Wait I can walk." He said, I let go of him. "Where's Lyon?"

"I don't know, by the time I made it back everyone had vanished." Gray started to fall when I grabbed him by his shirt again. I picked him up and placed him on my 'back' or ice. "Now hold on. We need to hurry and get back to the village before they do." I started walking.



"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't believe in you. I know better. And I'm sorry that I let Nashi get frozen like that. I could have saved her but I didn't." I felt emotion in his voice, Wow is he crying? I stopped walking to look up at him. He had tears falling down his cheek.

"Quit feeling sorry for yourself cause you lost a fight! You're a member of Fairy Tail. Nashi made her decision to help you! She knew there would be risks! So quit acting like this! We don't give up when times are tough so just put it behind you and keep moving forward!" I yelled as I started to run. I reached the village and they opened the gate. Guess they were waiting for me. "Hey guys! Are you okay?" I asked Lucy as she started to freak out.

"Stay right there! Don't come any closer!"


"Natsu! Stop please!" I stopped standing in front of a pile of grass.

"What's with the grass?" I asked, I took a step and fell down, landing in a hole. "Very funny, we don't have times to play practical jokes on each other."

"Don't look at me, it was Lucy's dumb idea." Happy said.

"I should have known!"

"It wasn't a joke it was a trap!"

"I'm glad your okay, I was worried about you." Happy said.

"Yeah I'm fine but Gray's down for the count."

"The guys in the mask beat him up that badly?" Lucy asked. I looked down and I realized the ice was gone. No wonder my body was so much lighter.

"What about Nashi?" Blackie asked. Oh yeah. I didn't say anything I just climbed out of the hole. I placed both Gray and Nashi on the ground. "Nashi! What happened to her?"

"She went back to fight Lyon. He froze her body with an ice spell."

"Does that mean she is only ice right now?" Lucy asked.

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