How Crimson met Ruchard

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It was a dark and stormy night. As Crimson  walked down the ally she used her magic to get home. Little did she know what was to come. As she made her way to her house she could sense she was being followed. "Hello , Alora." Crimson said turning around.

"I suppose Fred is here as well?" She asked.

Fred came out from behind the tree. "Now Crimson, remember," Alora said.

"They're here." Fred finished.

He brought up His long creepy green finger nails and dragged them against the wall.

Screeching was hears. Long lines were made as he walked towards Crimson.

Crimson backed up. And Fred went closer. "You can't keep running away from your fears Crimson." Alora said.

A boy with brown hair happened to wall in the alleyway, he saw Crimson frozen with fear.

Fred and Alora quickly hid from site. They boy put his hand on Crimson's shoulder.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked her.

She shook out of her trance. She turned around and held out her hand.

"Hi, my name I Crimson Lucky, what's your name?" She asked as if the event that just happened were never seen.

"My name is Richard Calderon, nice to meet your Crimson, but I have a question, why are there those lines on the wall for 1, for 2, why are you in an alleyway, and for 3, you looked frozen in fear? Why?" He asked.

"Their names are, Fred and Alora." She said.

"I didn't see anything." Richard said.

"Exactly." Crimson said back.

"Here, it has all my contact info on it, maybe we can talk some time." Richard said.

"Here, this is my phone, email, snapchat, and my house address." Crimson said.

Richard and Crimson went home. Alora was waiting for her in the living room.

"You know, that is one of the biggest mistakes you'll ever make." Alora said.

Crimson quickly pulled out her phone. She called Richard. No reply.

She ran, using her cheetah power, all the way to his house in the darkness.

She broke open his door. It slammed open. His living room was dark and empty.

She ran to the bedroom. Inside was Richard, he was bleeding and on the wall in blood it said,

"Never tell anyone again, if you never want this to ever happen again
          -Alora "

She clenched her fist. She slapped Richard to wake him up. Richard burst up to see himself covered in blood and he looked at the walls.

"*groans* what happened?" Richard asked.

"Don't worry, go take a shower, I'm spending the night." Crimson said.

"HUH?!" Richard was so confused but took a shower anyways.

(And that was the first story of how Crimson and Richard met)

Coming up next:
The Story of Alyssia

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