Chapter 73- I Want It Over

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 "I'm going to kill him" Molly shouted as she hobbled around the room. "You say that a lot" Elma smiled from the chair she was sitting on. "Because I will" Molly groaned as pain ripped through her body as she gripped the side of the bed.

It had been a normal day. Elma had come over for lunch. She had arrived days earlier to visit Katia and Molly. Denis was sick so Katia was making sure her baby son was ok and hadn't joined them. Molly had started to feel a slight pain but thought it was Braxton hicks. Dr. Alex had explained how she may experience them. But the slight pain started to turn into a heavy pain and she had become scared. It was too early. The baby wasn't due for weeks. Elma had reassured her that everything would be ok and said that they would go to Dr. Alex's clinic to make sure. That was six hours ago and Molly's waters had broken within 10 minutes of arriving at the clinic.

"How are we doing in here?" Alanna the mid wife asked coming through the door. "Just wonderful! Molly said. "Do you feel better walking around or would you like to be on the bed?" she asked. "I'm fine walking. It might bring the baby quicker" Molly said rubbing her back. "Just take it slow. He'll come when he's ready" she said and Molly wanted to scream. This wasn't how it was meant to happen. She had a few more weeks left. She wasn't ready. She wasn't prepared. She hadn't decided where she was going to go. Sure she had her stuff all packed but she wasn't ready.
"You sure the baby's Cris's. It's early and he's always late" Elma joked and Molly glared at her. "I'll give him early" she muttered.

"He'll be here soon. His flight should have landed by now" Elma said. Frantic calls had been made when Molly's waters broke and Jorge had arranged for a private jet to collect Cristiano who was playing a match with Real in Granada at Dolores's insistence. She was flying in from Madeira. And soon everyone close to Cristiano would be at the clinic. Dr. Alex had suggested they go to the hospital across the road but Molly refused. The clinic was more private. Not many people around. Dr. Alex delivered babies at the clinic but she thought it may be better to be at the hospital since it was Molly's first time.

"Cris will be happy he's not missing this. I know he was disappointed when he learnt Molly's due date coincided with the World Cup" Elma said. "I bet he'll give out to me for not telling him I had pain when he phoned before the match" Molly said as another contraction happened.

"Ever since his surprise visit to Lisbon to see her, Cristiano and Molly had spoken more. He had asked her stupid things like if she was stuck on an Island who would she want to be stuck with. When she had said Sergio as a joke he sulked the rest of the phone call. She couldn't resist annoying him a little.

"He'll be here soon" Elma said. "I don't bloody want him here" Molly groaned and Elma raised an eyebrow. "I only want him here so I can kill him" Molly sighed.

"Look who's here" Dr. Alex said coming through the door with Cristiano coming in after her. "Have I missed it?" he asked in a rush. "Does it look like I've given birth?" she roared as he walked towards the bed. "You haven't missed anything Cristiano" Dr. Alex said. "Oh good. That's great" he smiled. "How much longer?" he asked.

"You" Molly yelled at him and he froze. "How could you do this to me?" she groaned as she stood by the bed. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Am I ok? Did he really just ask if I'm ok?" Molly asked Elma in disbelief. "Of course I'm not ok. You muppet. I'm about to have a baby. And knowing my luck he'll have your big head" Molly yelled holding her stomach.

"It's the pain talking. Don't take anything she says to you to heart" Dr. Alex said as she passed Cristiano. He wasn't sure it was just the pain talking.

"Ok Molly, how about you hop up on the bed and we'll see how you are progressing" Dr. Alex said. "Ok" Molly sighed and went to sit on the bed. "Careful" Cristiano said placing his hand on hers. "Don't touch me" she snapped and he watched as she got more comfortable on the bed. "Let's have a look. Shall we?" Dr. Alex smiled positioning herself between Molly's legs.

"I'm going to kill you" Molly glared at Cristiano as her doctor checked her over. "If I had a euro for every time I hear that I'd be a billionaire" Dr. Alex smiled pulling off her gloves. "How much longer?" Molly groaned. "I have good news and bad news" her doctor said. "What's the good news?" Elma asked. "The good news is you're moving along nicely and doing great" she said. "And the bad news" Molly asked. "The bad news is you're only four centimetres dilated. So you have a bit more of a wait" she said. "Four" Molly yelled and Dr. Alex nodded.

"Four. I was three four hours ago" Molly said in disbelief. "The baby wants to take his time. It will happen soon. I know it's not what you want to hear bit you are doing brilliantly" Dr. Alex said. "I want it over" Molly said as another shoot of pain went through her body. "It will be soon" Elma said to Molly. "I'll be back to check on you soon. Just keep taking deep breathes in and out. And remember the gas and air is there too" Dr. Alex said making a note in Molly's file.

"Do you want some?" Cristiano asked pointing to the gas and air next to the bed. "No bloody use" she huffed.

"I can't believe he's coming early" Cristiano said. "I know. If he's father's son he should be late. Or not bothering to show up" Elma said and Cristiano frowned. He was trying his best. Him and Molly had been getting on brilliantly lately. He had made sure to speak to her everyday. And she had joked on numerous occasion that his phone calls were starting to annoy her. Something which always made him smile. "I'm going to kill you" Molly glared at him gripping the bed and he laughed. "You won't be laughing when-

"You shove my phone up my ass" he said and she laughed before throwing an arm across her forehead. "Don't make me laugh" she said. "Hey give me some credit, I normally piss you off" he smirked.

"It hurts" she said. "I know" he said. "Cris" Elma said. "What?" he asked not noticing the glare Molly was giving him.

"Don't say that. You have no idea how much pain she is in. So don't say anything like that or you'll piss her off" Elma said. "Oh right" he said. "How the hell did Katia let Zé anywhere near her after she went through all of this with Rodrigo" Molly moaned.

"Please make it stop" Molly pleaded. Cristiano heart ached. He hated seeing how much pain she was in. "You're almost there Molly" Dr. Alex said. "You said that hours ago" Molly wined. "It will be all worth when you see your baby" Dr. Alex said. It's not my baby she wanted to scream. All the past few months. It was almost over.

He took her hand and she gripped it. "Better?" he asked as she rode her contraction. "I want it to be over" Molly moaned. "Can't they give her something for the pain?" he asked his sister. "Dr. Alex doesn't want to give her an epidural until her blood pressure stabilizes.

Molly growled low in her throat as pain creased her sweaty brow. He smoothed her hair back from her face. "Don't touch me. This is all you fault. I'm never having sex again" Molly said and Alanna who had been checking her monitors laughed. "What's so funny?" Molly asked annoyed. "Every woman that I've heard say that has been back in this room over a year later" Alanna said. That won't be happening with me Molly thought.  

Will the birth go to plan? Will Molly be able to cope? 

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