Chapter 11

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< Blaze's POV >

I never knew that I would grow attached to a girl that easily.

I only knew Alexandria a little bit, and that was because I got a lot and most of the help from Sharon.
But sometimes I don't really understand, why is it that I wanted to know so much about her?

What is it that's different about her compared to other girls?

What is it about her that makes her so damn attractive?

What on earth is wrong with me in the first place?

I'm Blaze, and I'm not that person who falls in love with someone that easily.

That's what I stick too, it's like a motto. Or maybe it is.

Just then, I saw someone running into the classroom.

And do you wanna know who it is?

It's Sharon. What is she doing here, in my school?

"Good morning, I'm sorry that we're late."

We? Who else?

"I'm so sorry, I'm late too."

Oh my god. It's her. She's here. Alexandria. Is. Here.

What's wrong with me?

Miss Fernandez turned around and smiled at them.

"Both of you must be the new students. And your names are.."

" I'm Sharon and she's Alexandria, "Sharon said while slinging her hand onto Alex's shoulder.

Alex just tried to wriggle away from Sharon but she couldn't because Sharon held her right.

They are so cute...I can't... I can't even describe it.

"Alright then," Miss Fernandez clapped her hands and smiled at them.

"It's time to give you both your seats and let me see..." Miss Fernandez scanned all the seats in her classroom wondering where they should sit.

Interesting. There's an empty sit right next to me.

"Miss Fernandez, there's an empty seat here. So... maybe one of them can sit here?" I asked Miss Fernandez while patting the seat.

Alexandria looked at me then rolled her eyes.

How rude.

"Alexandria? You will sit next to Blaze and Sharon will sit next to Chase," said Miss Fernandez before smiling at them both who looked as if they were about to faint.

Grudgingly, Alex pulled the chair seat just beside my table and hastily sat down.

I stood up and pulled her table towards mine, joining them together, without any gaps.

"Excuse me? What the eff do you think you're doing?" She spat at me and glared at me with disbelief.

"Calm your tits, girl. I was just feeling lonely jeez."

Why is she suddenly acting like I'm a stranger whom she has never encounted before?

"What the-"

"What's going on over there Miss Flynn?" Miss Fernandez shot her gaze towards us with a sharp turn of her head and scrutinized my face.

"Mr Limington? Would you care to explain?" Miss Fernandez fixed her gaze on me, her arms akimbo. 

"Nah,it's nothing. I just wanted to have a new friend. Would that be a problem Miss Fernandez?" I folded my arms, mimicking her.

She opened her mouth to say something then stopped, deciding not to.

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