Chapter 23: Hidden

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Chapter 23: Hidden

As commanded by the wise witch, they all spent the night in the cave. The boys slept with their horses just outside the cave, wrapped up in their thick cloaks under the night sky.

The girls on the other hand were brought deeper into the cave, where they all snuggled together by a small bonfire.

Morgana and her sister were sitting at the top of their cave, gazing over at the view from their spot. They could see the palace from here, and unlike other days it was quiet and lonely.

The two sisters sighed as they looked down at the boys sleeping peacefully down below. Her heart felt heavy, at the thought of letting them continue this journey without her.

"What's bothering you, dear sister?" Maya voiced, wrapping a cloth around herself as she glanced over at the blonde.

Morgana sniffed, a sad smile forming on her face as she looks to her sister.

"I want you to watch over them for me," Morgana says softly, making the red head raise her brows.

"What? Where are you going?" She nudged, making the elder girl chuckle. "I'm not going anywhere without you," she adds, rolling her eyes at Morgana.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Morgana mumbles, but clear enough for Maya to hear. She knew what her sister was thinking, and it scared her too.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine. I know so," Maya assures.

It didn't take long enough for the Sun to rise which means the sisters had spend their night away refreshing old memories.

Dawn was upon them, which also means this is goodbye.

The sky was still dark by the time they were all up, but the birds have started singing.

The boys were rolling up their cloaks, when Doyoung yawned loudly.

"I guess we'll be going to get our bags in the palace." Doyoung states, walking down to their horses with Ten, Taeyong and Jaehyun.

While the four decided to rush back to the palace for one last time, the rest of them decided to get ready.

There was a slight mist in the air as they all head down into the forest to wash their faces.

A stream of water was cascading slowly down a tree, it was as if it had rained on that tree.

Johnny stops by the tree and cups his hand to receive the water, before splashing the cold water all over his face.

"Aish, its freezing!" Mei shrieks when the water hits her skin by the time it was her turn to wash.

The girls had their teeth chatter slightly from the ice cold water that gave them chills.

"Its refreshing right?" Johnny asked, running his wet fingers through his hair to dampen it.

"Sort of," Winwin responds, his teeth almost glued together by the way it chattered.

The rest of the guys laughed, of course they were used to it because they had been training with Morgana ever since they were young boys.

If only they had the slighest idea of the fate that was yet to come.

"These are all the girls' bags," Ten says, counting the colourful luggages and bags they had been given.

"Will our horses be able to carry all of them though?" Doyoung questioned himself, maybe he should've asked more men to come along.

"Don't worry, its not too heavy." Taeyong said, tying most of the bags on his horse.

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