Chapter 1- I've Just Made The Worst Enemy A Human Could Possibly Make

Start from the beginning

'Wet Wednesday' wasn't as bad as Tuesday. Seniors dumped buckets of water on Freshmens' heads. It wasn't difficult at all for them to tell who were freshmen, considering there were only about 50 freshmen left in the school. They probably already knew everyone from the other grades in the school. I was so glad that I didn't wear anything see through. It wasn't the case for most of the other freshman girls who wore low-cut, white, transparent, cleavage-showing tank tops with booty shorts. Skanks.

In my opinion, 'Titties Thursday' was hilarious. It was a simple prank. As us Freshmen stepped into the building, seniors sprayed neon green spray paint on our breasts. Guys had the spray paint on their crouch areas and breast area. I didn't really mind the prank because I had a hoodie to wear over my sprayed shirt.

Who thinks of all these imaginative pranks? After a while of asking various students in school, I found my answer. Chase Stunner. He's the one in charge of literally all the pranks, but he does no shit beside tell people what to do. He's a senior and apparently, his parents are really rich. Like, although the school is full of rich kids, their kind of rich can't even compare to his kind. Basically, he's a powerful figure in this school.

Trust me, if I ever see this kid, I will give him my middle finger... when he's not looking.

Well, anyways, today is Friday. The infamous Freshman Friday. So far, my day has not begun well. I woke up late to school and realized that I got my period, or in nicer terms, the 'yummy strawberry flow'. I didn't even have time to pick out a decent outfit; I just grabbed whatever and ran out the door.

I huff as I reach the school building. Jesus... they seriously need a smaller campus. There's only like what... 200 people in this school? I always wondered why such a huge school contained so little people even if it is very expensive. Now I know why. I think back to the tarantulas and shudder.

I yank the door open and rush to the elevator. My first class is on the seventh floor and I'm already late thirty minutes. Woo freaking hoo. I push the button several times and stop when I realize that the elevators won't come faster even if I nonstop push the buttons. Seriously, I don't even know why people think it does.

I quickly lose my patience and decide to suck it up and just walk the damn stairs. I run to the door of stair case B and reach for the door handles. Oh my fucking god. I screech as I pull my hand back from the door handle and inspect it. There was a condom wrapped around the handle. Hopefully, its a new condom.

Way to begin Freshmen Friday. I sigh and just yank the door handles despite the condom on it. Just then, my body decides to come into contact with something. Something hard.

"What the f-" I say as I stumble back, grabbing onto the door handle. I glare at whatever the hell just stopped me.

"Don't what the fuck me. You should've watched where you were going." The guy scowls and adds, "Bitch."

I was going to say what the fudge, but this is not the time to be correcting him. Normally, I would drop the conversation and be the bigger person and say sorry. Not today, buddy. This is not my day.

"Don't call me a bitch. There is no need to be so vulgar. You should've watched where YOU were going!" I shout and glare at him, my neck stretching up. Boy, he is tall and very muscular- Im guessing he works out everyday to boost up his chances of getting girls and acting cocky. He's proabably like 6'2. I'm only 5'4, sadly.

"What did you say?" He grabs me by my shirt and leans towards my face. Our faces are like literally one centimeter apart. Damn. He has nice, light freckles above his nose, and really nice, grey eyes- the kind that makes me shiver at how amazing they are. This is no time to be staring at his eyes even if they are indeed mesmerizing. I snap my attention back at him and flinch. I can't really breathe with his face all up in mine, although I'm kind of enjoying this in a way. Why the hell am I enjoying this?

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