"Nooo." She whined.

Willow walked in the room and put a hand on her hip.

"Why are you not ready yet Rae?" She snapped.

"She won't let me do her hair." I said and Willow groaned.

"Rae, I mean it let Delilah do your hair." She said.

"No." She said flatly.

"That's it. I'm doing your hair. De, you can go get ready." She said and I let out a breath before walking out the door and into my room.

"No I want Delilah to do it!" I heard Rae cry.

"Well to late sit down!" Willow said.

I shut my door and began to get ready.

I didn't have time for a shower seeing as it was already 1:30 so I just washed my face and started on my makeup. Once I finished I curled my hair and Bobby-pinned part if my hair to the side. Then I put on my dress. It was white and went down to my mid thigh. It had lace long sleeves and a lace collar. I had gotten it a while back but had only worn it once to a wedding.

I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly grabbed my white flats before sliding then on and heading downstairs.

"Mrs Wilson!" I say and come up to her as she greets me with a hug.

"Oh Delilah! You've gotten to be a beautiful adult. You should be a model." She gushes.

"Hi there Delilah!" Mr Wilson says.

"Hi!" I exclaim.

"How's this little cutie?" I ask referring to Beth, who he was holding.

"She's doing pretty good. Just turned one a month ago." He stated.

"Awe, she's so cute. Wanna come here?" I ask holding my hands out. Beth accepts my offer and I carry her to the living room and place her on my lap.

After we all greet each other we sit down on the couches and talk. The door bell rings. "I'll get it mom." I say as I hand Beth to mrs Wilson and go to the door.

"Hello!" I exclaim opening the door.

"Delilah! It's so good to see you merry Christmas sweetie!" Mrs Lohr says.

"Merry Christmas." Her husband says and j give them birth hugs.

"Hey Delilah. You look great." Braden says giving me a hug.

I squeeze back and pull away after a few seconds.

"You do to. It's great to see you . It's been a while." I say, walking into the living room.

"It has, so how's dropping out of school going?" He asks sitting next to me, as my mom and the wilsons greet his parents.

"Awesome actually. I was supposed to take online classes but it never really happened." I say giggling.

He chuckles, "I never knew you were a singer until the Mr. Stock told us why you hadn't been at school." He says.

"Yah most people didn't, I have no idea how they found me." I said and he laughed.  We all sat in the living room and talked, for a good couple hours.

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