Best Friends or?

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Hey guys,

Lea here.

Just wanted to let you know this is my first imagine with John and I hope that you like it. I will try to post another one soon I promise :)            This one is kinda long soo I think you will like it 


It was Saturday night.

Leo,Cris and I were at Johns place. Right now we were near pool a bit drunk. I mean I was a bit tho I dont think the boys were just a bit. I was just waiting for someone to fall into the pool,John was the closest. He had beer in one hand and he was swinging from one side to another. He was talking to Cris while Leo sat beside me laughing at stuff they were talking about.


Hes my boyfriend,hes really sweet and caring,and yeah he is Lionel Messi. And Im sure that you have heard of Cris too.

Yeahh...The famous Cristiano Ronaldo. I cant remember how we became friends,we didnt like each other at beginnin but look at us now,almost best friends.

Why I said almost? I already have male best friend and thats John. John has a special place in my heart,he was there for me through best and worst. Hes always there for me. He has a girlfriend. They have been together for a long time,almost year and half. Now that you know who they are we can get back to present.

I had a really hard and exhausting week and the lack of sleep was catching up to me.

"John!" I said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Come here!" I said to him.

"What is it?" He asked coming closer to me.

"I wanna use you as a pillow. Im tired,so come here." I said impatiently.

"Right,right.Just a second." He said heading inside the house.

He came back a minute later.

"Im here,come here now." He said layin down next to me.

I put my head on his abdomen and hugged him. He hugged me back bringing me closer to him.

I look around me and saw Leo asleep on the chair next to me and Cris on the other one.

30 minutes passed and I was still awake. I was pretty tired so it suprised me. I stared to think about all this. How its soo wonderful but I still felt like its not perfect. Something wa..

"You cant fall asleep either huh?" John asked interrupting my thoughts and also scaring me a bit.

"Oh heyy..Yeahh I cant fall asleep it seems." I answered.

"Maybe we should do something than,they are sound asleep." He suggested.

"Yeahh they are. But I think you had a bit too much alcohol." I told him.

"Im fine now,I had some water before. Im not drunk anymore,dont worry." He assured me.

"Okey,so what do you have in plan?" I asked him even tho I had a feeling he will suggest something stupid but whatever. I dont care right now.

"Lets go in the pool." He said getting up.

"No,John.Its cold." I said looking at him.

"Oh come on,its gonna be fun. Come!" He said undressing himself. He only left his boxers on and started gettin into the pool.

"John!" I said.

"Lea!" He said mocking me.

Okey,fine. I got up and started to undress myself.

John Newman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now