Loveable ones

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Dear journal,

Morning came faster than I expected and I didn't get any sleep last night either, my hand was slightly pounding and dry blood remained on my knuckles reminding me of yesterday's events, and as I wanted to forget them as fast as possible I went to the water supply and cleaned and bandaged my hand, loosely as I wasn't very good at it but still didn't want to worry Josh (the ship's doctor) with an insignificant scratch.  


Ed's voice was strong and husky, he was the cook and a very good one, he joined the crew a few years ago, one of the first I could say, before meeting him we used to live on a daily diet of eggs as they were the only thing I could cook so that it was edible, he was a loyal 40 years old man that lost his wife in a fire, his only child was taken from him by the capital's officers (Hepburn was his home so the officers are part of the army there) and thus his common purpose with us as he is fighting to take back the family he has left.

-Yes Edward?

-May I bring breakfast to your room, Louise?

-I am not hungry right now, plus I have my hands full with reviewing some issues so I will be skipping.

-But you haven't eaten since yesterday's morning, Louise!

-No further complaints, I will eat when I feel like, now proceed!

He left knowing not to disobey his captain as that is considered betrayal and even though I am a girl I still have my morals in check and respect the pirate code strictly.

The first thing I needed to do was go down and visit my prisoner, even though I still haven't moved on from the events, I had to keep my composure, the last of revenge I had needed fulfillment before I went on with my not so bright plan.

I passed my subordinates on my way to the prison and was met by bowing heads and respectful stares, we were a crew, even before being friends or family, the coldness and respect imposed by our status remained superior to any other relationships.

The beauty of living on the sea is wrongly perceived by the less initiate as being given by the never ending beauty, or the resemblence between this and the sky, or the horizon, or the fresh salty air, but it was none of that, the most important and generally sole reason for our departure, for our living at the mercy of sea, was isolation, the only people you met as a pirate, were either enemies, merchants or the crew, and none of those meant too much socializing, we were lonely people, we didn't talk too much and most of us were haunted by their personal demons, pain and remorse. We fit together exactly because we were imperfect, an amazing mosaic of lonesome souls sailing the sea, just like a dead person going to its grave, nothing to gain, nothing to lose, only the continuous search for peace and serenity kept us going, and that was our life now, as pirates.

In my thoughtful state I reached the prison faster than expected, I unlocked the door and stepped in, Jhonatan was watching the horizon with a meditating look on his face, or as much as he could see through his prison's cell.

-Good morning prince of Hepburn.

-Good morning Louise.

He was watching me with those eyes again, as if he pitied me, and I despised that, my anger grew when he asked the next question.

-How are your injuries healing?

-None of your concern, I said pretending to remain unmoved by his worried look. Now, I will explain the things I need you to do and expect you to cooperate.


It was strangely easy again, I will find out the reason behind his oddly good behaviour later.

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