Thank you Natsu

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3 updates! Oh my god! XD

Natsu's P.O.V

I looked out into the night sky, through my window, it was a quiet night, or so I thought. I saw someone on top of Lucy's house I leaned closer, it was Lucy, and she looked like she was in pain.

"Here goes nothing." I thought it was the wind, but no it was her. What was she doing? She was about to fall. I jumped out the window. She was falling.

"Oh no you don't!" I shouted. I don't care who I woke up.

"Lucy!" I yelled. I jumped and caught her. I landed in the soft grass.

"Natsu..." She said softly.

"Yeah I'm here." I said. I looked at her closely, her face had blood on it, she was had a burn mark on her shoulder, there was a scar on her leg. There was a huge cut on her stomach, and on her back from what I could feel. There were cuts a long her arms and legs. I stared in horror at the girl I held.

"N-Natsu... Get away from... Me... Get away... From my house... Let me die here..." She said, I was so frightened. Who did this to her?!

"I'm not gonna leave you!" I shouted. "You're gonna stay alive!" I shouted more.

"Natsu." She put her hand on my cheek. "The past can not be changed, and the future can not be told. People live, and people die, people smile, and others feel scared, others cry. No one can change a fates." She said.

"Lucy what are you say your not gonna die think about all the people who need you. Your father needs you, Levy needs you, Lisanna needs you, Mira needs you, Erza needs you, Juvia needs you, Mavis needs you, Wendy needs you, Gray, Gajeel, Jellal and all the other guys need you. I need you Lucy..." I said.

"Natsu... I'm glad I met you, I'm glad I met my friends, I'm glad I met your friends. You saved me, twice." She chuckled. "But I'm sorry..." She said and had fainted in my arms. I ran into my house.

"Wendy, mom! Please someone save her!"

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