Chapter Twenty Four.

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"They want me?" I ask to clarify the ridiculous proposition that psychotic werewolves would have a demented interest in me.

"Yes, they were looking for you today, and so help me Goddess if I ever let them get to you." His eyes darkened as his mind wandered to the memory of earlier today, and a growl escapes his lips. He pulled me even closer to him, and I could feel the heat radiating off his bare chest in waves. "They taunted me today, saying they have someone important who will help them get to you."

"Why would they want me?" I wonder out loud.

"They probably want to get you to get to me. Our territory is quite expansive, and we've made plenty of enemies over the years." He laid a kiss on my forehead, and I closed my eyes not fully accepting the situation. It just seemed so outrageous, some supernatural being wanting to seriously harm me because I'm the mate of another supernatural being. "It just seemed so odd, the way that they talked about you. It made it seem like they really only wanted you, and they didn't bother doing anything other than taunt me."

At that moment, I felt a pang of desire within me, and I knew what was about to happen; I was about to go into heat. I pushed Harry away and braced myself for the pain, but he just wouldn't let me go.

"Harry, please, I'm not ready for what you want, and I need more time, I just," I try to get away from him, but my mind is foggy, and it hurts more to pull away from him than to be near him.

"I promise you, Emma, I won't do anything but kiss you, alright?" he asks, and I'm hesitant, knowing his track record with these sorts of things

His lips brush my cheek, down to my neck as I unconsciously tilt my head to give him more access. I'm surprised when his hands don't move from one on my waist and another on the back of my neck, but at the same time I'm frustrated that he wasn't doing more with them.

My god, do I sound like a harlot.

There wasn't the same pain as there was before, as he holds me close to him, his lips fluttering over my neck, shoulders, and face. I felt as though my eyes were permanently closed, but I didn't open them for fear of this being a dream.

"I don't want you to feel pain because of me," he says to me, whispering quietly into my ear. "Because of the stupid mistakes that I've made."

"Harry," I say, "just shut up and hold me." And he did, and we laid in bed like that until the last of my heat receded, our minds reeling over the events of today.

The next morning came as a sort of shock. I've been defined as a wanted person by certain supernatural creatures. Harry was already up and had been for quite a while; his side of the bed was cold. Although who am I kidding; he never actually uses his side.

I quickly sit up and change out of my pajamas before walking into the dining hall. As soon as I walk in, the room dissolves into silence, and everyone stares at me. My cheeks turn red, and my eyes avert down to the floor. I don't think I've gotten this much attention in my entire life, let alone at one time. Luckily, Amara comes to my rescue.

She links arms with me and ushers me to a table at the back of the room. It's a smaller table compared to the others in the room, one only meant for a maximum of ten people, and I see Harry alongside Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. His eyes flicker up to meet mine, and his furrowed brow dissolves, a happy smile lighting up his face. The other boys snicker when they see this, and they all get a return slap on the head from Harry. They scramble for a second, Harry moving quickly to make sure there was enough room for Amara and I.

"So, Emma," she starts once we've gotten our food. "How have you been? Harry's been keeping you to himself, shame on him." She shoots her son a glare.

"I've been fine," I say, and I get bewildered expressions from everyone, including Harry. "I mean, as much as I can be right now. Everything has been kind of crazy recently."

She places her hand on mine, curling her fingers around mine and squeezing them lightly.

"It's hard, and we all understand that it's a lot to take in." She gives me a motherly smile. "If you need anything, just ask any of us, and you'll be fine." I hear a growl to my side, and I look over to see Harry with a scowl on his face. Amara looks back at him with that exact scowl; I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

"And what was that about?" she asks, one of her eyebrows raised.

"I can take care of my tairi," he says shortly. She closes her eyes and shakes her head.

"Men, so possessive. I was just saying that she could ask anyone; I wasn't saying you couldn't take care of her, Harold. Don't jump to conclusions."

The beginnings of another growl come from my side again, but they're stopped almost as quickly as they began.

"What have I said about growling at the table?" she says, her mother tone in full swing.

"Mom," he strings out. "I don't need you lecturing me in front of my tairi." His voice drops almost to the point I can no longer hear him. "It's embarrassing," he mumbles.

"I'm your mother," she says. "It's my job to embarrass you. I mean, what else am I supposed to do with my time?"

The entire table bursts out in laughter as Harry hides his face in his hands, and for the first time in a while, I truly felt at home.



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