30. Barbeque

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Being a gentleman isn't about what you do, or what you wear, it's about how you behave and who you are.

~David James Gandy


Stacey kissed Stella's cheeks who beamed at her mother and went into the backyard where Nathan and Darius were setting up the barbecue. Stacey went into the kitchen to help out Hope to take sausages, chicken, pork and some more eatables to the backyard.

It was Saturday evening and all the arrangements for the barbecue were already made. The only thing that they were waiting for was for the guest to arrive.

"Momma where is everyone?" Stella asked with a frown, her lips forming into a small pout.

Nathan chuckled and said, "Well she is very eager to welcome the guests, isn't she?"

"She is indeed. She has been so excited since I told her about this barbecue. She really missed Van and Jo." Just when Stacey said that, they heard the doorbell.

Stella let out a squeal and bounced on her feet. Clapping her hands, she bounced again while Darius and Stacey went inside to welcome the guests. Darius' hand was gently cupping the lower back of Stacey who hurriedly tried to unlock the door, getting impatient to meet the guests.

"Careful, Cupcake." Darius said softly as Stacey's hand failed to unlock the door in the first attempt because of her hands trembling from excitement.

"I am just excited." Stacey giggled, making Darius chuckle at her and kiss her temple.

Stacy finally opened the door and squealed like a school girl only to be enjoyed by Vanessa who held a box in her hands. Both the men just shook their heads and chuckled at their hyper partners who were now hugging each other tightly.

"Oh Lord, Van! I missed you so much. How have you been? Is Jo treating you well or do I need to kick him?" Stacey asked in a teasing tone to which Johan hid his smile with a false frown.

"Hey, I am standing right here if you don't know that." Johan said, making the girls giggle at him.

"Hello, Mr. Brooks." Vanessa said respectfully to which Darius gave her a polite smile and greeted her too which was a new thing for Vanessa because earlier Darius was a good employer but he never smiled at anyone.

"Stacey this is a small thank you gift for having us here today." Vanessa handed over the box to Stacey who frowned and shook her head.

"You know you don't have to be so formal with me. Please I wanted to spend time with you both so no need for this gift, Van."

"But please accept this. Johan and I made these cupcakes for you guys."

"Okay. Thank you." Stacey smiled at the couple who smiled back at her.

"Good evening, Mr. Brooks. How are you doing?" Johan asked, stretching out his hand or a hand shake.

"Good evening, Johan and please let us put the formalities aside for you are our guest for today so you both are to call me Darius. And I am doing much better. Now let us go inside. Stella is waiting or you both." Darius ended his sentence with a chuckle.

As they shut the door Vanessa held Stacey back and said, "I won't ask if you are happy or not because happiness is shining on you face but if ever anything goes wrong and Mr. Brooks hurt you again then you have to tell me and I will never hesitate to kill him and sell his organs somewhere or may be I will feed his organs to the hungry dogs."

Light In Darkness {Second book in the series of Eternal Love}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ