I glanced at Zeke. He nodded at me.

"Yes, but the rarest power would be someone having a third power. The three rarest would be electricity, illusion, and time freeze." Zeke informed.

I nodded.

Silence coated the air. We pulled up to huge black gates leading to three ginourmous buildings.

The sun started to rise and i glanced at the stereo clock. 5:32. Oh, okay.

We parked the car and all piled out. Dylan was woken up by Zeke opening his door and letting him fall to the floor.

He got really pissy while Zeke and Adam just laughed their asses off.

The guys lead me throuh the halls and to a large pair of oak double doors. Zeke slammed them open and all three of them jumped onto a leather couch in the office. A large mahogoney desk sat in front of a large stain- glas window and a friendly looking mid 30's man sat there, staring at me.

"Sit, sit." He smiled, motioning to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"I see you have met my son, Zeke and his two moronic friends." The man laughed.

"My wife is the Vice principal in this school and is currently away on other business." He sighed. I nodded.

"So.. what is her element?" He asked, looking towards. I cleared my throat, mildy annoyed that he didn't ask me.

"No disrespect, but i can answer myself." I stated. The three guys smirked on the couch and the man in front of me looked shocked.

"I am the Element of Fire." I answered, boldy.

"That's impossible, and I do not appreciate lying in this school." The man said angrily.

Now, this man i barely know is doubting me?

'Oh, i'll show you i'm not lying.'

I felt my body temperature start to rise and my eyes start to tingle again.

"Zinovia." I heard Zeke calling out to me. I ignored it.

I stood up from the chair and started to walk towards the Principal. I caught my reflection in his small mirror. My long black hair was floating with a red tint, my eyes were bright red and my skin had a slight red tint to it.

I willed a small flame to light on each of my finger tips. Which it did. I walked until i was right in front of the principal and brought my hand close to his face.

"Is this a lie, sir?" I spat, the "sir" being ironic and mocking him.

He looked towards the three guys who were staring at me in astonishment. "I like her." He smiled a genuine smile at them.

I smirked and let the power drain and everything turn back to normal.

I sat back in the chair and crossed my legs and just sat back.

"Okay, now I am going to put you in a new rank for this school. You are the only fire wielder currently and with no doubt the most powerful being to have ever been to this school." The principal informed. I nodded.

"Your rank will be Death Rank. You will be in advanced classes with those morons on the couch, but your learning will be different. Myself and one of the elemental elders will train you every thursday and every tuesday. You start today. Good luck."

With that i was motioned out. But, i didn't move.

"I actually have a question. When am I to figure out my second power." I asked seriously.

"Ah, yes! We can do that now!" He said clapping and standing up from his chair.

He came over and put his hands on my head. I felt a slight pain in my head and a light was coming from his hands.

"My second power is being able to tell what everyone's second power is." He laughed. I nodded.

"Hmm, that's strange. Very. Very. Strange." The principal who i learned name is Trevor, trailed off.

He stopped and pulled his hands away from me. He walked back to his desk and plopped down. I stood up, ready to leave, but waiting to get my answer first. The three guys came and stood by me.

"This has never happened before, it seems as if you have four powers." The guys behind me gasped slightly.

"What are they?" Zeke asked, standing right beside me and wrapping his arm on my lower back.

Trevor, the principal sighed.
"She carries Fire, Electricity, Illusion, and Time Freeze." He explained.

Wait, aren't those the three rarest powers that Zeke told me about?
I glanced towards Zeke himself. He nodded at me.

"I need to think. Bye Bye." I nodded and All of us were ushered out of the huge office.

"Well, shit."

Freak Among Freaks.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ