Chapter 40

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Baby girl's POV

I sat at the bar and after a couple of drinks, I wasn't feeling better, I was feeling worse. I actually came here to have fun for once, and now that I feel terrible I can't.

I hope Jayden doesn't turn out how Breyana said he would. I just hope he's okay, and that he stays that way. I'll manage to move on and this time I'll stir clear of any emotions for anyone else.

See everyone ends up doing well in the end. I heard a familiar voice and turned around to see Jayden. "Yea I'm on my way now, I just stopped and got a couple of drinks........yes I can drive, I'm not even tipsy, I'm walking in a straight line right now." He said as he walked out of eye sight without even noticing me.

But then again, he's been ignoring my presence since the hospital. Maybe he saw me and didn't want to talk to me. Well that's just rude, well no, he's right, don't speak to me.

I got up and walked out of the club after paying for my drinks, and he was nowhere in sight. I was going to talk to him because Breyana thinks I broke his heart, but he's gone, so why not leave now. It's not like my whole night and mood wasn't ruined.

As soon as I got in my car, Breyana called me. "Yea," I said as I started driving. "Where are you?" She asked making me curious. "Why? I'm leaving the club, and aren't you on a date? I don't know much about them, but I'm sure you're not suppose to be on the phone." I said as I started driving back to my place.

"I'm in the bathroom, so he doesn't know I'm on the phone. This is an girl emergency and I wanted to tell you to go to Jayla's house, she's having a little get together and Jayden will be there. I told her you would come, and in case you don't, I gave her your number because I know if Kaeden ask you won't say no." She said making me roll my eyes.

"Thanks for making plans for me, but I'm a little busy tonight. I have a date tonight, we're going to my bed, and my pillow is taking me out and the main course is this thing called sleep. Have you ever tried it?" I asked as the sarcasm partically spilled from my mouth. "Baby girl please tell me you're going to go, pleeeeeeaaaaaaassssseeeeee! His life depends on it." She said begging making me roll my eyes again.

"If I go tonight, will you leave me alone about the situation forever?" I asked as I stopped at a red light. "Yes, I promise unless you want me to." She said happily. "Fine! Now get back to your date before Brandon leaves you." I said before hanging up.

As soon as the light turned green, I made a U-turn and drove to Jayla's house. I parked out front and walked up to the door. Lucky me, I did my hair and makeup expecting to have fun tonight, but ended up here. Great, I hope I'm dressed appropriately.

I knocked on the door, and when no one answered I rung the doorbell. Jayla opened the door and I walked in to see her family and friends. Great, just great. What did I get myself into?

"Baby girl you made it," she said smiling. "Yea, I wouldn't have if you hadn't told Breyana. She's very complicated and persuasive." I said before walking in. "Looks like you had plans though," she said still smiling.

I don't know if she's genuinely nice or if she's just nice because I saved her son's life. Of course she's just nice because I saved her son's life. "Yea, I was going to a club tonight but I ended up here." I said looking around.

"Are you looking for Jayden?" She asked making me stop and look at her for a second. "No, but maybe later on tonight." I said before I walked away. She followed me, and I don't know why.

"Baby girl I know I seem a little too happy and over excited, but I'm just very grateful for what you did, and so is my family." Jayla said smiling. "Well you can stop thanking me, everyone did enough of that already. Plus I didn't save him for you," I said trying not to sound rude.

"I know, you did it for Jayden but-" I stopped her right there and shook my head. "No, I didn't save him for Jayden, Hayden, Breyana, you, Brandon, or anyone else other than Kaeden himself. I saved him so he can have a chance at life, plus it was a reflex.

For some odd reason, I really like your son. He's an amazing kid, and he reminds me of me when I was his age. Independent, nice, and innocent. So protecting him was a natural reflex that I did for him, myself, and his future. It would've killed me to see him dead or hurt, so I was willing to lose mine for him to keep his own." I said seriously as I stared her in her eyes as she was speechless.

"Oh,......well thank you." She said not knowing what to say. "You're welcome," I said before walking away then stopping. "Hey do you have anything with alcohol in it?" I asked staring at her.

"Do I? Follow me," she said smiling as I smiled back and followed her. I think I might like this girl, new associate.

In a matter if twenty minutes we were both in her room high, and tipsy talking about guys. "You know something? Guys suck, but there is one guy out there for me." Jayla said  as we both are on her floor. I looked over at her and we both started laughing.

"Yea they do, that's why I never been in a relationship and stayed away from being in one. But then here come Jayden, he wants me to love him. I thought it was absolutely ridiculous, but then the more time I spent with him, the more I got to know him and the more he grew on me.

Then I started liking him, but I didn't want to like him because my whole life, all I saw was how love can kill you, hurt you, break you, and destroy you. My parents were madly in love but thieves, and my mother had the chance to leave my father and save her life, but she didn't and they both ended up being killed. Then right around the corner, a woman named Sherlean Watkins was in love with her husband of fifteen years, who eventually put her out and remarried a younger woman, leaving Sherlean alone and heartbroken.

There's more to go through, but who has time for that? But I've always stayed away from love because there nothing good about it." I said making her look at me funny. "You know, Jayden is a very sweet guy, and he's different. I'm not just saying this because he's my brother, but because it's true.

He really likes you, hell by the way he was acting when you got shot, I was convinced he loved you, well love you. I never seen him like that except for when we lost our mother." Jayla said seriously. "I don't want him to love me," I said staring up at the ceiling.

"Why? Because you're afraid?" She asked making look at her. "Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm not afraid!" I said annoyed. "From what you just told me, and how you spoke, it sounds like you're afraid to be loved and to love." She said looking over at me.

"You shouldn't be tipsy or high while your son is downstairs, maybe you should go check on him." I said changing the subject. "Yea, maybe while I'm doing that you should go check on Jayden and see how he's holding up. I know you said something to change him because he's been acting funny.  Check in his room, I'll see if he's downstairs, and if he is I'll send him up." She said getting up as I did the same.

"Oh, and I like the new place." I said before walking out of her room. She pointed to Jayden room, then she went downstairs. I walked to his room and I was tempted to knock, but I stopped when I heard a moan.

Something in me snapped, and I opened the door to see a naked girl on top of Jayden as he held her hips. They both stopped and looked at me. "Om, yea sorry about that. You two can continue, just make sure you keep it down so no one hears you." I said before closing the door.

As soon as I closed the door I felt something in my chest that I never felt before. I walked downstairs and out the door. I walked to my car, before getting in and driving to Breyana and Brandon's house. I gripped the wheel as I started taking deep breaths and not being able to stop. The feeling in my chest just won't go away.

I look at my phone and saw it is midnight, but I don't care right now. If they are sleep then they are about to wake the fuck up so Breyana can tell me what's wrong with me.

I walked to the door and started ringing the doorbell and five seconds later I was banging as hard as I could on the door. The door swung opened as I was about to bang again so my fist hit Brandon's chest.

I pushed him out of the way before throwing my purse on the floor and walking to Breyana who was peeking to see who was at the door. Once she saw me she came down and tried to calm me down.

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