"Okay. Open." he whispered. I opened my eyes and gasped at the sheer beauty of it all.

     We were in a small clearing in the middle of the woods. The trees were huge and wrapped in white Christmas lights,, that lit up the dark clearing. It was about 8 at night so. Anyway, there were flowers scattered all over the place and were a rainbow of colors. In the middle was a blanket with a picnic basket and candles.

     "Harry." I breathed. "It's beautiful." I turned to face him and found him with on knee placed firmly on the ground reaching for my hand. My eyes widened and my lips parted slightly. "Harry?" I whispered.

     He clasped my hands in his and looked up at me.

     "Cris. The whole time I have known you has been the best time in my entire life and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I would give anything and everything to be able to spend even an extra moment with you. We have a beautiful baby girl together and it's selfish to ask for more, I know. But I'm going to ask. I need to ask." He slowly reached into his jeans pocket and withdrew a little black box. He took the box in both hands and opened it with his hand. Inside was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. It was a heart shaped diamond ring, with two diamonds on the side and it was sterling silver. "I need to ask this, no matter how selfish I'm being. Crystal Ann Kepper. Will you marry me?"

     I stood there staring at him with the largest smile on my face and tears in my eyes. "Yes." I whispered nodding my head. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!" I repeated. He grinned and stood placing the ring on my left ring finger. I threw my arms around his neck and held on tight crying tears of happiness. I drew back to look him in the eye. "I love you." I breathed.

     "I love you." he whispered.

     I put my hands on both sides of his face and brought him to me. I kissed him with all the love and passion I possessed. The rest of the night was spent in that clearing reaching highs we never knew existed.

*****Major time jump to a few months later*****

     Okay Cris. You can do this. I thought to myself. I stood in a room fit for a king in front of a full length mirror. I was wearing a dress that reached the floor and trailed behind me. It was snow white with lace that swirled in different ways, around the end to the bodice. It had sparkles as demanded by Jasmine. Yeah. That was her third word, after daddy. We have no idea where that came from. Anyway, I had a veil that would flow over my face covering it. My makeup was done to perfection and so was my hair. My hair was up in a complicated style that was just breathtaking. My eye shadow was a smoky grey with red lipstick but it wasn't bright. More like a dull red.

     If you haven't figured it out yet then I'll tell you.

     Today is the most important day of my life.

     Also the most nerve wracking.

     Today is my wedding day.

     And I am a nervous wreck.

     Okay Crissy. Calm down. Its just Harry. Think about Harry. Almost instantly I was calm and my breathing returned o normal. The door opened to reveal Sandy and the girls, all were almost in tears.

     "Don't cry. Then I'll start crying and Sandy will kill me for ruining my makeup." I said.

     "I'm sorry. It's just.... You're getting married." Angel blubbered. She walked to me and wrapped me into a hug. The rest of he girls came and gave me a group hug, being careful of my dress, hair, and makeup. We stayed that way until it was time to go.

     "Come on Cris." Zayn said. He was Harry's best man and Sandy was my bride's maid. "It's time."

     I smiled and let go of the girls. Ky came into the room in a black suit and scarlet red tie. He looked at me and whistled. "Dang Crissy. Wow. Just... Wow." he breathed.

     "You don't look to bad yourself big bro." I smiled.

     He smiled back and walked over to me offering his arm. I linked mine through his and we both walked out. He was going to be my escort because he was the only family I had left. In the UK anyway. Aunt Laura and Jake were here, along with James and Sammy. They were actually behaving for once and not arguing like usual. The bride's music started to play jerking me out of my thoughts. I gripped my boquet tighter and Ky's hand. He squeezed lightly and smiled at me. I smiled back and let out the breath I didn't even realize I was holding. Then we started walking.

     Everyone stood up out of their seats and they all had smiles on their faces. The whole pack was here and I didn't really know all of them but it was tradition to have the whole pack at a wedding. Especially the Alpha's and Luna's. As I walked down that aisle I could hear everything. Every note being played, every heart beating, every breath being taken. It was like everything in the world just stopped the moment I set my eyes on him. He was wearing a black suit with a white tie to match my dress. His hair was still as messy as usual, but it looked fancy, if that makes any sense, which I'm pretty sure it doesn't. His eyes lit up and a smile graced his features when he looked at me.

     Ky handed me off to Harry and the ceremony began. We said our vows and all that. We said our 'I do's' and we put the rings on our fingers. Now was the moment I was waiting for.

     "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." the priest said.

     Harry smiled and leaned forward until our lips meet. Fireworks exploded around as did the applause. We pulled apart smiling. He grabbed my hand and we raced down the aisle and out the church with the church bells ringing. It was simply perfect. We ran to the limo and climbed in.

     "Perfect." I said. "Simply perfect."

     "I know you are." he grinned. Then it turned into a genuine smile. "I love you Mrs. Styles."

      "I love you too Mr. Styles."

     "Words I will never grow tired of hearing."

     "Well I certainly hope not. Because  you are going to hear it, everyday for the rest of my life."

     "I know I will. And you will too."

     "Just......perfect." I whispered as I leaned in close and we sealed our fate, with a kiss.


Okay first things first. No this story is not over. Not completely anyway. There's gonna be an epilogue and then that's it. But I'm thinking of doing a sequel and having it be about Jasmine finding her mate. I have an idea for it, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do anything with it. So tell me what y'all think. Second off....OMG!!!!!!!!! They got married! Sorry if it sucks but I'm kinda tired right now so......ya...... Okay so sequel. Thoughts on that and yeah. That's it.










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