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I hope one day you'll be able to look in the mirror and proudly say, " This who I am. I am not what I ate this morning, or last night. I am not what I said to my mother this afternoon or what I need to tell my friend tonight. I am not the letter printed on my exam or the number raised on the scale. I am not a label and refuse to be mistreated and disrespected by anybody. I am not my past, I am not my mistake. I am not who hates me and I'm not what people want me to be. I'm not as bad as I think I am. I might feel miserable some days but everybody has those days. I am not my tears or the anger in my voice when things go wrong. I am not the judgments other people place on me. I am me and there's only one me. So that's pretty special. I am worth more than I'll ever know and as of right now that's all I'll ever know. "

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