Invisible To Him: Chapter Six

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Holaaa(: Again, i apologize for the long delay in uploads. Im currently working on two other stories that i will be, hopefully, posting soon & i've been working on those more than this one. I wrote this in an hour so sorry if it isnt that good!!




               The next morning when I woke up I didn’t get my usual phone call from Nate. Not that I expected it anyways. I was still mad at him and I could almost guarantee he wasn’t very happy with me either.

               Despite what I had said last night I still got ready to go to school. I had study second period so I figured I would just do my mountain load of homework then. After I had eaten breakfast I grabbed my coat and bag and headed out the door. I knew there was no use asking Nate for a ride and there was no way I was getting on the bus so I decided to walk. Walking down the pathway from my house I saw Nate walking to his car. He stopped and looked at me but I quickly looked away. Even though I was still angry at him earlier, it was much harder to stay mad at him in person and I knew that with one look I would be on my knees begging for him to forgive me. But I wasn’t going to be the one to do that this time. We had both said some hurtful things yesterday and it was his turn to man up and apologize to me this time.

               I walked by his car keeping my eyes on the sidewalk. When I didn’t say anything I heard him sigh and slam the car door. A few seconds later his Accord zoom by.

               And I would be lying if I said that didn’t hurt even a little.

               I ended up getting to school 20 minutes late.

               “You’re late Miss Arnolds.” My math teacher, Mrs. Harold, said as I walked into the classroom.

               “I’m sorry.” I said. I’ve always liked Mrs. Harold. She was one of my favorite teachers and I’ve never had a problem with her.

               “Yes, well, why don’t you go take a seat next to Mr. Rogers.” She said motioning towards Chase. I nodded and went to take my seat. “Pass in your homework as well.” She added.

               I bit my lip and looked up at her. “Um, well, I kind of forgot to do it.” I said quietly. At that moment I swear half of the class’s eyes bulged out of their head. I heard a few gasps too but I ignored them as well.

               Mrs. Harold looked stunned. “Oh. Um. Very well. Just pass it in tomorrow. And let’s not make a habit out of this okay, Miss Arnolds.” I nodded and turned my attention to the board, ignoring Chases lingering glances.

               “Well that was surprising.” Chase said as we walked out of the math room. I looked at him confused.

               “What do you mean?”

               “Well I’m sure not many people are used to the school nerd coming in late and forgetting to do their homework.”

               “Hey!” I exclaimed, slapping his arm. “I am not the school nerd!” He chuckled and held up his hands.

               “Sorry but it’s true!” He laughed. I rolled my eyes.

               “Whatever. I wasn’t planning on coming to school today so I didn’t do any of my homework.” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

               “Why not?”

               “Why not what?” I asked.

               “Why weren’t you planning on coming to school today?” He asked.

               “It’s nothing.” I said. I adjusted the bag on my shoulder before I realized something. I had study next and that was one of the classes Chase didn’t have with me. He was supposed to have music next and that was in the opposite direction. My eyebrows furrowed together. “Chase, where are you going? The music wing is the other way.”

               “I know. My schedule got changed yesterday. That’s what the paper for Mrs. Jones was about; how I got switched out of her fifth block class.” He said.

               “Oh.” I nodded. “Then what do you have fifth period?”

               “Drawing. I have study now.”

               “We have all the same classes together, now.” I said as we walked down another hall.


               “Yeah, I guess you just couldn’t get enough of me.” I winked.

               He laughed. “You have no idea.”

               Guess how much of my homework I got done in study. None. Absolutely nada. We ended up having a sub and instead of making us do work quietly like we usually do he let us talk. And Chase thought it would be funny to distract me from my work so I ended up getting in trouble in all my classes. It was always the same thing in all of my classes, too. My teacher would ask for my homework and I would say I didn’t have it. There would be the gasps and bulging eyes from all the students and my shocked teachers would tell me to just bring it in tomorrow. But of Chase found the whole thing hilarious.

               At the end of the day he walked me to my locker and then together we walked outside.

               “Do you want me to drive you home?” He offered. In gym I had told him how Nate was mad at me and he was usually my ride home.

               Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nate watching me. From where he was standing it was obvious he could hear our conversation. So instead of saying no to Chase like I wanted to, I found myself agreeing.

               “I’d love a ride home, Chase.”

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