chp. 6

219 5 1

My nerves escalated as I dug through my closet trying to find something decent to wear for my interview. I had just gotten a phone call from Skylar from the salon telling me that Grace had an opening today from 4 till 5 and wondered if I was available for an interview. Of course I jumped right on board saying I would be down as soon as possible.

The thought of what to wear or even what I needed to bring never crossed my mind. So here I was in full frantic mode trying to find something to wear. I didn't bring any business attire so I was trying to throw together an outfit that look half way put together.

Behind me the door swung open, "It'll only take a minute." I heard Julia say as she walked in, "Holy shit! It looks like a tornado blew through here"

I turned to see her scanning my side of the room where all my clothing was scattered. I was to frantic to bother to say hello to the two guys standing behind her. "I know I'm sorry! Skylar just called me to come in for an interview and I have absolutely nothing to wear and I'm panicking and I haven't even found my stupid resume to bring with me-"

Her steady hands on my shoulders brought me out of my dazed panic, "I have something you can borrow and don't worry about the resume, tell them you will email it to them along with your list of references. Now take a fricken breath before you head explodes from no oxygen" she said calmly.

I did as she said sucking in a deep breath letting it out slowly as she dug throw her clothing, "Here, not to dressy but not to frumpy. Plus all the girls down there weren't dressed like they worked in a bank or something. So put this on then get the hell out of here" she smacked my bum.

"Alright you two file out she's changing" and with that she pushed to two guys out for me to change. It wasn't something I would usually wear but it was my last resort. A pair of dark gray skinny jeans and a black loose fitting dress shirt. I decided to tuck the shirt in adding a black belt to the pants. It would have to do. I grabbed my pair of black flats and slipped them on just as she walked back into the room.

"Perfect fit" she said scanning over the outfit. I smiled before grabbing my hairspray flipping my head upside down. "What on earth is she doing?" I heard a deep husky voice ask, apparently the guys came back in. Great.

I ignored him spraying my hair, "Who knows what that girl does" Julia said not coming to my defence. I flipped my hair back ruffling it with my fingers, "There" I say examining my look in her full length mirror.

"Neat trick" Julia said giving me a look of approval. From the mirror I realized that one of her friends had sat on my bed, his feet promptly crossed on my bed spread, his shoes still on. "Do you mind?" I hissed going over to the lad shoving his feet from my bed angrily.

He looked up at me furious at my actions, I lost my breath when I came to see his eyes. The most piercing shade of emerald green I've ever seen. "What the fuck is your problem?" he growled at me. I took a step back unsure of what just happened.

"Hey your going to be late if you don't leave now!" Julia was shoving my purse at me before spinning me around and I came face to face with a blonde headed guy with a goofy smile plastered to his lips.

"Now go" she shoved me and thankfully the guy moved or I would have collided right into him. "Thanks" I called out before running out of the room and down the hall. I had to nail this interview and nothing would stand in my way. However as I rushed down the hall, those piercing green eyes stayed with me...

"So how long did you work in the boutique?" Grace asks me from across the small table in the break room where we were having out interview. "For about 2 years." I answered.

She nodded as she wrote this down on the piece of paper she had in front of her. I cleared my throat, "I don't have my resume with me, however once I get back to the dorms I can email you it along with my references." I say exactly what Julia told me to do before I left.

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