Everything Was Going So Well

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Dan’s POV

Everything was finally going right. When we left the house Phil slipped his hand into mine but when I looked over at him he was already looking at me. I pecked him on the cheek and he blushed furiously.

“If we ever see my dad, you are going to hide and not come out until it’s clear okay?” I told him sternly. It was quite possible to find him since he likes to spend his time around the police station.

“Dan, I want to protect yo-”

“Please Phil. I will not let you get hurt! Please just take care of yourself. I can’t take it if I lose you when I could’ve done something!” I said feeling the tears in my eyes.



“I promise.”

We were walking just talking about every and anything when I spot someone. A monster. I push Phil into an alley way, I told him to stay there and not to move. I walked towards the man.

“Hello Daniel”

“Hello father” I spit out with disgust.

“Where’s your boyfriend huh Daniel? Oh right. You don’t have one, because Phil will never love you because you’re a disgusting fag” Those words hurt but I knew they weren’t true because Phil said he loves me and he would never lie to me.

“Although I’m quite impressed with you. You got a kiss from Phil.”

“I-” I tried to tell him I didn’t but he beat me to it

“Don’t lie to me Daniel. I have photographed proof.” He held up his cracked fake iPhone and there was a real photograph of me and Phil kissing. It couldn’t have been when I was sober or else I would’ve remembered.

“I- I was dr-drunk. It was- I was at a par-party. Pl-playing sp-spin the bo-botle” my voice shook violently and I was undoubtedly shaking with fear.

“Drunk at a party? Doesn’t seem like goodie Daniel. Doesn’t change the fact that you’re a faggot. Now you’re coming with me”

“What if I don’t want to?!” I said raising my voice hoping Phil would hear and call the police. Surprisingly my voice was didn’t shake

“Come now or I will track Phil down and he will die.” How dare he talk about Phil like that.

“I swear if you lay one finger on Phil I will stop at nothing to make sure you are dead!” I said a little above a whisper, my voice low and dangerous.  I meant it.

“I won’t touch him if you come with me.” I had to go. He would kill Phil.

“Fine.” And with that he led me to his car and drove away. I might never see Phil again. Who knows? At least he will be safe.

Phil’s POV

I tried listening in on the conversation but all I heard was

“I swear if you lay one finger on Phil I will stop at nothing to make sure you are dead!” Was Dan’s dad planning to kill me? Wait where is Dan going?  I feel tears in my eyes when Dan looks back at me and mouths ‘I love you’ I pointed to myself made a heart then pointed at him. I could tell he was about to cry. So was I. When I saw them drive away, I felt my heart smash and break into two. The love of my life is gone, and who knows if I will ever get him back. After I see that it’s clear I stand up, I realize I have sprained my ankle so I just call the police.  When they pick up I begin to speak fast, my voice shaking.

“m-my” I stopped there what were we. Friends? Friends with benefits? Boyfriends? I decided it would be best to just wait until Dan is back then I can talk about this with him. “friend, h-he was ki-kidnapped by his d-dad who ra-rapes him every night.”

“Calm down sir. Alright what’s your friend’s name?”

“Daniel Howell.”

“Daniel Howell? Son of Robert Howell and Jessica Smith?” The police asked voice starting to panic.


“Before Daniel was born in 1991, his parents were very famous criminals. It was said they died in a fire, but their bodies were never recovered. Where did you last see him sir?”

“On Regents Street”

“Do you have any idea where he might be?”

“I don’t know where Dan’s parents lives but they just drove off from here”

“Okay sir we’ll be right there and you can explain to us what has happened in full detail” (Okay just saying I have never called the police before so I have no idea how they talk, nor know if there are any police stations on Regents road.)


“What is your name sir?”

“Philip Lester”

“Okay Mr. Lester we’ll be right there”

After a few minutes of waiting the police finally arrived and we set off to find Dan.

“So Philip, what was Daniel to you?”

“Dan was my best friend, I think he was my boyfriend we haven’t really talked about that but we did kiss and he told me he loved me and I told him I loved him. We also share a flat on St. Mary Axe.”

“So he was close to you.”

“Very close.”

“Which way did they go?”

I pointed in the direction they drove off to.

“Did you witness this happen?”

“Yes. But I promised him I would stay away and whenever I moved Dan glared at me. He pushed me into an alley way and took it all.

“Did you hear anything?”

“All I heard was Dan shouting at his dad that if he touched me he would stop at nothing to make sure he was…dead.”

“Okay sir, thank you for the information. We will begin our search. Please stay home and we will contact you if we find anything” How will I get home with a sprained ankle when our home is 15 minutes away. I can’t limp home it would hurt so much.

“Excuse me officer. Could you take me home please? When Dan pushed me I sprained my ankle and my house is 15 minutes away.” I asked the officer hopefully and he nodded.

Dan’s POV

I walked into the house

“Jessica we have a…not so special guest” I heard my dad shout and my mom emerge from the living room.

“Well, well, well Daniel. You haven’t come home for a couple of days. It’s been a while” Dan’s mom says with a smirk playing on her lips.

“Fuck off Jessica” I spat at her. She was not my mom. He was not my dad. They were cruel monsters.

“How dare you talk to your mother like that?!” ‘He’ shouted from behind me and grabbed a baseball bat. I saw my mom smirk mischievously and push me to the ground. My dad smashed the baseball bat to my stomach. When my mom went to the kitchen she came back with a knife. Oh shit no.

“You’ve been a bad boy Daniel” she took a step closer while I held my stomach.

“And bad boys need to be punished” she brought the knife to my stomach and made a cut. I just want Phil to find me, and fast. Black dots clouded my vision and I slowly slipped into unconsciousness

Phil’s POV

I was slowly getting up when I felt something in my stomach.  It felt like something was being pressed to my stomach. I fell to the floor holding my stomach my vision clouded with tears. I screamed in pain and the last thing I saw was an officer before I inevitably passed out from all the pain.

A/N: Anyone noticing something here? I’ve tried to make it as obvious as possible. Don’t worry if you don’t get it. It’ll be revealed in the next 2 chapters or so…but that’s it for now. This chapter is a lot longer. I won’t have a schedule though just upload whenever I’m free. I’ve been trying to get this to upload since forever, blame my bad internet.


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