Chapter 2

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Akila's POV

"Gather beneath peace rock for a meeting of the forest!" The leader of the birds called. I sat between Grey and Blayre. Blake sat on the other side of Blayre. I was excited! I had never gone to a meeting before. Blayre had! And so had Grey! Grey used to be in our pack... He got stolen when he was only a few months old. By a another pack! Grrr.... Those coyotes make me sick! Then I looked at the leaders. Alpha was among them. I waited to hear the news from other packs and flocks. The eagle spoke first, " Our old leader has died! In his place, I am now named Talon of Eagle! Yet for short I will be called Eagle!" Alpha then spoke,"We know how your flock works!," he barked,"Now! Our pack has been having plenty of prey on our territory. " he emphasized the word prey while looking at some rabbits. Then Tigress's Claw came... I had heard of her. The evil tiger that haunts the forest. She stared at me. She hates humans... Because of a red rose thingie. I don't k now what that is but okay! She leaped at Panther of the Night and they went wirrling in a fight of teeth and claws, "PANTHER NO!!!" I screamed.... I may have just lost who I loved most.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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