Army of the Beast

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The late night sky hung over London. The bright city lights nearly blotted out all of the stars, making the once star spangled cover become a silky black blanket, which hung over the city. Any pedestrian unlucky enough to have been stranded out at night constantly stuck to the light of the lamp posts, to wade into the darkness might as well have been synonymous with suicide.

"Didja get any cash?" asked a man in tattered clothing.

"Shove off, John, it's mine!" came the angry reply.

"I's just askin'." said John

"Yeah ya're." retorted the other sarcastically.

"Would you two idjits knock it off?!" shouted another voice

"Yes, Supreme Leader and Master of the Universe Phil." whimpered John.

"Ok, Phil." said the other.

"Henry, we've been over this. You shall address me as Supreme Leader and Master of the Universe Phil." ordered Phil.

"Fine Supreme Leader and Master of the Universe Phil." sighed Henry.

"Ya know, ever since I can remember, I've always wanted to be a gangster. To me that was better than being president of the United States. To be a gangster was to own the world." chuckled Phil.

The four had been working together for a long time on the streets, all of their families had been killed during their time on the island, Phil had found them and rescued them from complete desolation, bringing them into his street gang. They preferred not to talk about their horrors on the island, but they would often feel as though they were being watched, and sometimes that the Beast was right there in the shadows, waiting for them. . .

"And how'd that work out for you?" asked another voice. The three gangsters leapt up, bats already in their hands.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" asked Phil while the three gangsters surrounded the new man.

"He looks like he's probably rich!" exclaimed John with delight.

"I have a proposal for you three." said the man, without fidgeting. This was unusual, most of the time when a rich man was cornered in an alley they would offer bribes and beg for dear life.

"What be your proposal?" snarled Henry.

"Henry, I'll be asking the questions around here." scolded Phil, then he turned to the suited man, "What is your proposal, kind sir?"

"Oh, a fine question, Supreme Leader and Master of the Universe Phil!" chuckled Henry.

"Shut up Henry!" shouted Phil, then he addressed the suited man, "Allow me to consult my advisors."

"Very well."

The three huddled together, "Someone wake up Percival." ordered Phil.

"Yes Supreme Leader and Master of the Universe Phil." said John, walking off into the shadows. A few moments later they heard him waking Percival, "Get up lazy ass!" followed by some flinch-worthy slaps.

The two joined the huddle, "What is it?" asked Percival, rubbing his cheek.

"This guy wants to offer us a proposal, and we're debating whether or not to consider it, or just mug him." said Supreme Leader and Master of the Universe Phil.

"Well," said Percival, "have you heard the proposal yet?"

"Percy, you're a genius!" exclaimed Phil, then he turned to the suited man, "What is your proposal, kind sir?"

"I want you to join my army."

They whispered amongst themselves again. "What will we get out of it?"

"You will be handsomely paid, and you will be part of the most powerful gang in the world." said the suited man with a smile.

Percival whispered something into Phil's ear, then Phil said, "And who are you?"

The man smiled, "I'm so sorry, I've forgotten to reintroduce myself. I am Jack Merridew."

Percival's eyes widened, and he again whispered into Phil's ear.

"Shut up Percival, you're turning down a fortune!" shouted Phil, punching Percival in the stomach. Percival collapsed, coughing up blood.

"We will accept your proposal." declared Phil.

"Whatever Supreme Leader and Master of the Universe Phil does, we do." said Henry.

Percival still lay on the cold asphalt, broken glass digging into his already sore cheek. He rolled onto his side, spitting out a wad of spit-blood. Jack sighed, "Another one bites the dust." then he turned to Phil, "Kill the pig."

Phil looked ready to tell Jack off, but one look into Jack's malevolent glare told him not to, "Very well, Supreme Leader and Master of the Universe Jack."

The cold night was pierced by one long, agonizing scream, the scream of Percival Wemys Madison.

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