Precious Loss

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A middle aged man, looking to be around thirty two years of age, stood in a large lobby, steadily tapping his foot to the beat of Elvis, which was playing over the radio. A blue suitcase passed by on a conveyor belt, then a green one, and a blue one. Common. thought the man, eager to get home. Why is this damn bag taking so long? Finally it slid by on the conveyor belt, and the man swiftly snatched it off.. His phone rang, "Oh what now?" grumbled the man, bringing the brick of a phone up to his ear, "Hello?"

"Um, hello, is this Sam?" quivered a voice on the other end of the line.

"Who's asking?"

"This is Sally, Eric's neighbor."

"Oh, hello Sally," smiled Sam, suddenly happy, "Why are you calling me?" He added with a hint of suspicion.

"Uh, well, it's Eric-" she stammered.

"What about Eric?" interrupted Sam impatiently.

"I was getting to that. Anyways, your brother is, well, he's dead."

Sam was speechless, he just stood there, his mouth slightly agape.

"Hello? are you still there? Asked Sally.

Sam still didn't answer. The phone slipped out of his hand, banging to the floor, ending the call. Tears began to form around Sam's eyes, It can't be true, this must be some kind of cruel, twisted joke. But deep down, he knew it to be true, that had been why he'd been so grumpy all of a sudden. Sam's stomach churned, and he doubled over, vomiting. The surrounding people gasped and stepped back, avoiding Sam's foul lunch. Someone helped him up, and brought him to a nurse, Sam didn't even get to thank the man before the nurse took him away from his rancid lunch. He was limp, unable to muster the strength to do anything any longer. The world crushed in around him, and Sam passed out.

Bright light blinded Sam, he blinked, covering his eyes for protection.

"Look, he's awake!" chimed a voice besides him.

Sam turned toward the direction of the voice, "Where am I?"

"They always ask that question." sighed another voice, probably the one that the other had been speaking to.

Suddenly Sam came back to his senses, and the cruel world crashed in on him again, Sam groaned, though this time he didn't faint. "I need to go." he realized aloud. He stood up, tossing aside his blanket.

"Sir, I just need you to sign a few papers first."

Ugh! thought Sam, I don't have time for this! "Fine." sighed Sam, what do you need me to do?"

"I'll be right back." she said.

The room began to come into focus, a blue chair sat in front of him, the grey floor was sleek and shiny beneath the glare of the lights, and white walls made the room feel much larger than it really was.

A moment later, the woman was back, a bunch of papers and a pen in hand. "Just sign here, here, and here."

~ ~ ~

Sam flew down his brother's gravel road, rocks crunching beneath his tires. Trees blurred as his radio buzzed away. Sam's black Ford Cortina rumbled down the rocky drive, his fists clenched tightly to the wheel. Suddenly Sam slammed his brakes. Two Bobbys blocked the road.

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