Bullying and hate

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"MOM HELP!!!" Said Luke (the brother) " WHATS WRONG" mom shouted "Y/N IS PASSED OUT"
**Y/N pov**
I have had enough with this bullying. Oh hi I'm y/n and I have been dealing with bullying since the third grade. Everyone tells me don't worry it will get better. I just think to myself YEAH RIGHT!! I have been dealing with this for about 3 years and it's horrible but lately it hasn't been as bad. Anyways I've been getting bullied for everything my hair, my clothes, my shoes, etc. And I am so done with this I decided to try to stop this by.... Well you know what most people do when they get bullied and they can't find any other way to stop it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about suicide. Yes I may seem happy and always smiling but I'm dying on the inside. Anyways, I have cut myself before but this time was different. How? Well, I hit my vein and I fainted and well that's when my brother caught me on the floor. I have to admit,that was exactly what I wanted...

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