If it’s with you, I think I can go to a good college
ABCDEFGH Hakuna Matata
Your profile picture is the same but why do I keep checking it?
But don’t misunderstand, I’m not an easy guy

I’m getting nervous, I’m getting nervous
Who are you? Are you that great?
Why do you keep teasing me?
Just stop now, hold up, hold up

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Why are you shaking up my heart?
Why are you shaking up my heart?
Why are you shaking up my heart?
Shaking up, shaking up

A bad bad girl on the outside
An even more bad bad girl on the side
If you lose a guy like me, you’ll regret it
You checked my text message but you’re not pressing send
The “1″ disappears, making me so anxious1
Maybe I’ll buy a GPS navigation
(Quickly quickly quickly) I keep trying to appeal to you (trying trying trying)
Genuine feelings? (I got em) Endurance? (I got em)
The only thing I don’t have is your beauty beauty beauty

How should I change for you? (hold up)
Playing mind games? Two-timing? I don’t know how to do that
But if you’re ever sick, don’t call 911 but call me
Tell me to cry, I’ll cry, tell me to smile, I’ll smile, tell me to roll around, I’ll roll around

I’m getting nervous, I’m getting nervous
Who are you? Are you that great?
Why do you keep teasing me?
Just stop now, hold up, hold up

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

I want to be your oppa
Why don’t you know my heart for you?
Even if you ignore me
Even if you act cold, I can’t push you out of my mind

I want to be your oppa
I will be your man, just watch
So that my heart can touch yours
I will run to you right now

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

Hold me tight before I kiss you
Before my heart lets you go
Say what you want
Say what you want
What is it that you really want?

------End of song------

You can't move cuz froze there, you see Him, Kim Taehyung your bias, your lover and your everything just wink at you before. He wink at you after the song is finish.

"Okay, I hear Taehyung want to say something here." The MC say and give Taehyung the mice. "Hye Army... Thank you cuz you guys want to go here and please support us forever. And here I have something to say, someone give me a card before I perform, this card say that her friend is love me so much and don't have a energy to get an exam for next month. It is cause she want to hug me as tight she can. This card make me curious. Who is give me this card?" He say. Oh My gosh. You though in your mind that it's seems like your life now.


The concert is over and all of the fans is go back home cuz it is already midnight. You stay here at the cafe near to wait for your bestie. You take a sit and drink your milky tea.

While you drink there, someone suddenly sit in front of your sit ib the same table with you. "Hye, can I sit here?" I-it is... it is him. Kim Taehyung. You automaticly slap your face cuz you though it is a dream. But it is the reality.

He chuckle look at your shock expresion and leand closer to your face. He stare on your eyes and suddenly he kiss your forhead.

Your eyes get open more wide and he look back on your eyes. "Don't get lower energy for your exam. If you not have a good grade, I never sing anymore. You want to hug me tightly right?" He say and stand up. He go to your sit and grabe your hand. It is make you stand up too and look at him with a blank look.

While you stare at him, he.... he.... he hug you and you get shock again. He whisper to your ear "Just hug me again. I want you, as  my fan to always happy. Happy okay." He say and make you hug him thigtly.

This is an unexpect thing in your life, hug your bias, your lover. From that time, you always contact him and you two be a bestfriend. He can't speak Japan but for his fan, me, he learn a bit of Japan language. How sweet.

Maybe sometime we, as a fans, always want the thing like this. But sometimes, the impossible feeling get in tonyour heart. But you always love them even you know they never know about you or recornize you.

This is a fangirls life.... More of mistery.... More of imagination...

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