21: Date of elegance

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£: Danny's Point Of View £:
Friday, November 14th
3:00 pm

The guys and I were excited for the football game today. It was against the other school in closest proximity to us in the district. They weren't our biggest rivals and it's not like they could have easily beat us anyway. We took a strong win against them.

However, I could notice some tension between the players tonight. Whether it was nervousness on getting laid tonight or losing the first major game, I couldn't tell. All I knew was that I was ready to play and wasn't prepared to lose. For that reason, I, Daniel Winters, does not lose. I can't lose because that is not something I would ever be prepared for. Football and others included.

In the fourth quarter, I was covered in sweat and my adrenaline was high. I took control of the situation when the opponents made their first and only touchdown. Sadly, they got their kick straight and another one minutes later. I maneuvered around the smaller boys to score us at 38, just to show off. Harry, afterwards, successfully got another touchdown, marking this as one of the best wins so far this year.

When the game was over, I for the first time heard the cheering of all the adoring fans. I couldn't single out any of them, just that the majority were in school colors. We all chest-headed each other in hugs and headed to the locker room, where we showered and changes into our out-of-school clothes. I really hate the uniform, but appreciate we only have to wear it on certain days.

On the way out with Harry and a couple their seniors, Jacob catches up with me, nearly angered.

"Daniel, what were you thinking on that pass? I nearly got tackled," he demanded, his hair sticking to his forehead.

I give him a half-shrug. I knew what I was doing and that was making sure that we were going to win. He was talking about something that happened in the first quarter, except that gave us a lead.

I notice Maya watching me with a confused expression, but I continue my silence. I look away as her and Harry embrace and began chatting.

The lighter brunette, Carmen, cheerfully spoke, "Don't forget guys! Black tie for Daniel and Harry, blue for Jacob and -"

"We know, we know," Brett yawns, despite not producing well during the game. "Let's get this thing over with."

His girlfriend gives him an odd look, tugging on his hand as she says, "Okay. We'll meet up at the park at nine sharp to take pictures and then leave after a half hour. Don't forget your tickets."

"Yes, mom," the blonde one mocks.

The majority of people begin to leave, but I linger behind. I had unfinished business that others couldn't hear, which meant I had to wait until Harry left, which could be another five irritating minutes.

The two begin to tease each other, winking and smiling flirtatiously. I hold in a groan and take out my phone for the next thirty seconds. I saw Arthur leave with Jasmine, no doubt to get more filthy before homecoming.

With very unfortunate timing for the new couple, I felt something in the back of my throat. Just as they leaned in for a kiss, I coughed. Without being able to stop myself, I sneezed as well.

"Might want to take care of that cold that's coming, Daniel," Maya remarks coldly.

Harry laughed at her being pissed for not getting anything, so he kissed her cheek to subdue her. He said, "That's for luck. I'll see you tonight."

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