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The gun bucked in my hands. I smiled as he went down on the road with a clean wound in his forehead. The night sky stretched on and I ran my tongue over my teeth. The dark doesn't bother me. The night is the best time for a crime if you don't want to get caught. I scrunched my face together and peered into the darker areas of the night. I held a finger to my temple, my vision changed. I could feel my pupils slide into slits. More light rained on the scene. I chuckled to myself. Ah night vision, you're so helpful. I saw a chubby cop hanging out in an alley. His wide eyes shifted. I quickly tapped my temple again, my vision settings reset. The bad part about night vision is the glow that conducts from the eyes. Quickly, before I lose sight of him, I fired. The wound landed in his throat, just barely cutting into the flesh. It was enough to pierce the windpipe. I blew on my steaming pistol. It glimmered in the moonlight happily. I strained my ears to hear anything or anyone. A scrape of metal on concrete caught my ears, it was just a lone soda can. I licked my lips under my mask. Deeds are done. I smiled at my gun, I had painted an X-eyed smiley face on it. Tucking it in its leather holster, I started running from the scene. No information was found from this attack. I climbed up the side of an apartment building, no sign of Captain Killjoy either. Good, he's the last thing I want right now, I thought grimly as my boots echoed on the flat roof. I crouched on the side of the roof and sat down with the mask in my hands.

Why did I pick a Frankenstein mask? Out of all the villain masks in the world, why did I pick this purple-skinned and green haired mask? I shrugged to myself. The gloves on my hands were sticky and my fingers throbbed from the trigger of my pistol.

"Time to go home I guess," I clicked my tongue before walking right off the building. I landed quite loudly on the dumpster at the bottom of the drop. A string of pain shot through my shin. "Motherfucker," I clenched my teeth and dropped from the dumpster. "Well, thank god I can just heal." I gripped my shin tightly. Then like that, the pain was gone. "Huh, if only X-men were real. Then I could be a hero..." A light by the dumpster caught my attention. I crouched in front of it to see a shiny piece of metal. Still interested for some unholy reason, I picked it up. A phone. A working phone for that matter. I grunted and placed it back before starting up a jog home. I tucked the mask sloppily into a belt loop and pulled up my bandana over my mouth. Black with white stripes and gray dots on the ends of each line. Like a marching band's jacket, just dead and black. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and kept walking. My mind wandered. A smile grew on my face. Oh yeah, people are finally recognizing me. And making retarded names.

Like Midnight Rider or That guy in black, or some shit. I think a cool name could be Cryptic Ghoul, I've even decided on it. I just like the word ghoul. It's fun and different. I think so anyway. I glanced down at the limp mask in my belt. Plus that thing is terrifying like a ghoul. I smirked and pushed up my green sleeves. Plus, the patch on my shoulder, a smiley face with x's on the eyes and sharp teeth on the smile, slightly resembles a ghoul I think. I rubbed my arms comfortingly as I walked in the dark streets. If there's one place that scares me, it has to be New Jersey at 2'o'clock am. Scary right? I continued my jog without any more thoughts worth noting. Well, except the guy I don't want here but I actually do. Poison Striker, or as I like to call him; Captain Killjoy. The guy just sucks up all the fun like a smoothie. Except without a headache afterward. He and his sidekick, Snake or something. I don't fucking know or care. I just know that the two are dangerous and boring.

They're the only two who know I like being called Cryptic Ghoul. They kinda yell it at me when we have those 'magnificent showdowns'. The cops however still call me Asshole #1. I skipped a bit when I reached my rundown apartment. I took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. It's cool texture touched my lips and then the fire slid down my throat.

"Mm, good old smoke after a murder." I giggled, "Fanfuckingtastic." I fished my keys from my belt and unlocked the door to the shitty apartment. I slammed the door shut behind me, locked the three safety locks on the door and spun around to see my dog prancing to me excitedly. "Sweet Pea!" I smiled wide and knelt for the little dog to come scurrying to me. I laughed when she jumped into my arms. "Are you hungry?" She barked in response and wagged her body with her tail. I laughed again at her and put her on the ground. She followed me as I went to the kitchen and ducked to the cabinet under the sink. Sweet Pea sat down behind me and I opened the cabinet door that has the food in it. With a grunt, I pulled the bag of dog food out. I turned with it in my hands to see Sweet Pea bringing her bowl to me. "Aww!" I gasped and poured her food. "You're such a good girl!" I cooed to her with a smile still on my face, "You're also getting fat," I muttered as I put the food away. The dog didn't notice that remark. I ran fingers through my shoulder length hair. Shrugging off the jacket and undoing my boots carelessly with a tired sigh. I pinched my tank top that I put on under the jacket, It was sticky with blood. I groaned and pulled that off as well. Thank god my jeans are dry and semi-bloodless. I grabbed a damp towel to rub off the blood from my jacket; that shit can't go in the wash. 


//hey this is a fanfiction and if you don't know who Frank Iero is just look in the media section or look him up

also, this is Daner Days era with long hair/fun ghoul in general just different clothes (and party poison) 

so this is a thing now...I have like 12 chapters already done but I won't be posting them regularly until summer comes around(June 16th) 

also, if you don't like fanfiction...oops


First Chapter Done!!!

comment and vote please! I'd love to hear constructive criticism or suggestions!//

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