Chapter 2. We're Not Alone

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We've been walking for a while and we're passing some beautiful purple flowers. I stop and look at them, my mom told me that people used to smell them. I lean my head down and take a breath in through my nose. Smells really nice, like nothing I've smelt before. Nothing as sweet, nothing as strong, nothing as natural than this.

I look up and Finn is looking at me. He stops and picks a flower and puts it behind Octavia's ear. And while he does, he looks at me the whole time. Dick. How come every guy I interact with is a total douche? Is it too much to ask for a genuinely nice, caring, not dick, but funny guy? I guess it is. "Now that my friend, is game", Jasper says to Monty.

"That my friend, is poison sumac", Monty corrects and I immediately get away from the flower.

"The flowers aren't poisonous, calming actually", Monty says then eats it, weird.

"His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on the ark", Jasper says, explaining how and why Monty would know that.

"Hey guys would you try to keep up?", The girl asks.

"Come on Clarke, how can you block all this out?", Finn asks holding his arms out.

At least I know her name now. I'll still call her blondie, I've settled on that. "Well, it's simple. I wonder, why we haven't seen any animals? Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us", She says, clearly stating her overthinking.

"Mood killer", I whisper and Octavia quietly laughs.

"It sure is pretty though, come on", Clarke says and walks off again.

Damn, this Clarke girl sure knows how to ruin a nice day. Can she just stop and smell the flowers for once. She's passing everything too fast to even see the beauty of it. She is determined, I'll give her that. "Someone should slip her some poison sumac", Octavia says and we laugh.

"I've got to know what you guys did to get busted", Finn says, probably trying to break the awkward silence.

"Sumac is not the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean", Monty says.

"Someone forgot to replace what we took", Jasper says trying to make it sound not as bad I guess.

"We had to apologise like a thousand time", Monty adds.

"What about you Quinn?", Finn asks.

"Payton" I correct him, "and I supposedly assaulted a guard", I say answering the question.

"Why would a girl like you, assault a guard?", Finn asks.

I don't know how I'm supposed to take that, but I'll turn it into a compliment. Somehow. "My parents got randomly got floated one day and they wouldn't tell me. I wanted to know why, it didn't really work out too well", I finish.

"And you?", he asks Octavia.

"Being born", she simply says and runs up to Clarke who is motioning us over to her.

We all run up and crouch down like she is. She points over and I follow her finger and see a deer! A real life, breathing deer. I've seen pictures in story books before, but this is amazing. "No animals huh?", Finn jokes and Clarke rolls her eyes.

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