Chapter 17: Drunks. Hardcore Partying, and Hot Girls

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CHAPTER 17: Drunks, Hardcore Partying, and Hot Girls

      He made his way to the bar, dodging grinding bodies, and wobbly tipsy people.

      “Hey!” Andrew shouted to the bar keep. “Hey, hit me up over here!” a shot of something golden and strong slide on the counter to his direction. He poured the fiery liquid down his throat, somewhat satisfied with the burning tingly feeling it left in his body. He watched people dance, chatted with some of friends, hit (and got slapped) on some girls; overall the party was going great for Andrew.

      “Andy! My man!” someone clapped him on the back, which almost made him stumble three feet forward.

      “Hey what’s up David?” Andrew slurred slightly while rubbing his back. “you enjoying the party? You dancing on the ceiling? You getting funky? Funky monkey chunky?” Andrew broke into a fitful of giggles, hiccupped and almost tripped from standing still. “So how you doing David?” he broke into another fitful of giggles.

      “Dude, you’re drunk…how much did you drink?”

      “Me? Me drunk? Why never in such a thing…I…am…cone…sold…stober! I am roses! David, my brother; life is good, even when I think I’m seeing three of you.”

            David laughed, “Yeah whatever, bro. hey you’ve seen Anna around here? I know she’s here because my sister and she made a big deal about what shoes they should wear for hours, but I haven’t seen her yet…”

            “Anna…whatAnna?Anna,Annafo fanna fee fibobanna…Anna!”

            David sighed piteously, and shook his head. “Man I’ll see you later, right now a hot blonde just caught my eye over there. Later!”

            Andrew sighed and sat (with extra caution for the fear of falling) on a stool. Despite the fact that he was drunk, the thought of Anna made him somewhat sober.

Just exactly where is she? His sober voice thought. I don’t trust her being all by herself; she might do something stupid which of course I always get blamed for.

Oh please, what harm can she do? His drunk thought retorted. Whine and complain somebody to death? It’s not like she’ll actually do something bad…she can’t even get drunk what’s the worst that can happen?

Don’t listen to that drunkard fool! You have find where that trouble maker is before you get in trouble!

Please…let loose brah! That b**** is fine! And besides I spy with my little imaginary eye…a redhead with a very nice pair of double-D’s over there by herself why don’t we keep her company?

All responsible good thoughts left his head at the mention of the hot chesty girl. He stumbled toward the beautiful boobed girl to give her that Andrew Mulligan charm.


Hey hey hey! i finally got enough of my work done to upload this chapter!  not entirely happy with it but..... oh well.....Enjoy! :)

PS: i DO NOT, i repeat,  DO NOT approve of teens and drinking........ i don't think that they should be drinking under the legal age limit......... kids + alcohol = not a pretty sight............ believe me! Anyway.......please do not do any of this at home! 

Note: This Story should be enjoyed with chocolate! :)

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