Scoring an Injury (Leonardo)

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Hey hey!  I bet you can't guess what this chapter was typed after XD

There's a tiny mention of blood and gore but that's because you're cleaning a fish >_>  Sorry if you're squeamish about that stuff.  The sentence will be marked with a ' ** '

I'm almost healed enough to take off this damn cast!



"Why couldn't this damned fish already be cleaned?  My kitchen smells. . ."

Haddock was for dinner, or at least for April whenever she arrived home.  You had an early dinner so you weren't hungry, but your roommate loved the stuff so you thought to surprise her, even though the smell could have given it away from miles.  But you had to prepare it earlier than planned because the fish wasn't cleaned when you bought it.  The smell gagged you at first, but as you cleaned the fish you got used to it.  You opened up some windows to let the air flow out.

As you continued cleaning the fish, you heard the balcony window shutter move a bit from outside, and the only one who came through there was Leo.

"Hey. . . whoa!" you hear him say.  You turn to see Leo making the most sour face and rapidly waving his hand in front of him to try and rid of the smell; it took him back a bit before he made his way over to you.

"Jeez (y/n), what are you making?!"

****Giggling, you continued to fillet the haddock as Leo stands beside you to observe your cutting.  Blood covered the cutting board the fish was on, some was in the sink along with the fish's insides.

"Haddock.  Have to fillet it myself."

"Wasn't that supposed to happened when you first bought it?"

"Apparently not."

Leo watched you for a moment before he finally gagged again; the smell was so strong it made his eyes water.

"Bleh.  I can't be in here."  he says.  He then kissed the back of your head and turned for the living room.

"Have fun with that.  I'm gonna put us in a movie."

He left you in the kitchen to yourself as you continued to prepare the fish; the smell wasn't as bad in the living room.  Leo knelt down on the floor in front of the t.v. stand and opened the movie cabinet to see it full with CD's; he then began rummaging through them.

"Shit! LEO!!"

The sound of your panicked voice made Leo immediately drop the movie in his hand, sending him into a frenzy.  He quickly got to his feet and began to run, rounding the corner to the kitchen to see you knelt over in severe pain.  He heard you cursing repeatedly to yourself.

"Shit, shit, shit!!"

Coming to your aid, Leo placed a hand on your back to get your attention; once you looked up at him he then noticed how you were holding tightly onto your hand, and blood was dripping from it and onto the floor.

"How'd you cut yourself!?"  Leo asked as he grabbed a nearby hand towel, wrapping it gently around your bloody hand.

"My hand slipped!" you say.  "I didn't pay attention!"

Leo then held your cut hand up to keep the blood from spilling out more quickly; holding your arm up would slow the blood flow down until you got medical aid.

"I need to get you to the hospital!"  Leo said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"Are you crazy!  People will see you Leo!"

"You need help (y/n)!"

"Take me to the lair and call April.  She knows how to put in stitches."

Leo then began to walk you towards the balcony where he came in; he couldn't be seen with you by people on the street. Carrying you over the rooftops was the only way.

"Ok," he starts.  "Maybe Don can get you cleaned up until she arrives."

Leo picks you up in his arms and kisses your temple, saying your going to be alright.

"Just keep pressure on that cut. . . and hold on."


"This really friggin' hurts. . ." you say as you watch Donnie clean up your hand.  He grimaces as you hiss whenever he touches near your wound, which was now stitched and ready to be wrapped, no blood pouring out of it.  April was quick getting to the lair; turns out that spending most of her childhood in a laboratory and watching her father work allowed her to learn a few things, like putting in stitches for one.

"How'd you even cut your hand?"  April asked as she sat beside you on the med table.

"Cutting up fish."


"Your supper." you say as you grin over to her.  "I'm lucky Leo was there."

"No kidding." you hear him say, then looking up at him.  Leo gives you a small and kind smile before he turns to talk to Splinter. By then Donnie was wrapping up your hand.  Your hand felt like it was on fire, but thank God it was going to be ok now.  You lightly grazed your fingers over the fabric, hissing slightly at certain spots.

"Thank you Donnie," you say.  "I'll make sure to repay you for this."

He waved you off.

"No don't worry about it.  I'm just glad you're ok now."

Smiling, you hoped off the table and kept your wounded hand close to your side as if it were in a sling; the pulses going through your hand made you clench your teeth.  It felt unsettling.

Everyone went off on their own, leaving you and Leo near the medical table.  You continued to look at your injured hand, thinking of how you wouldn't be able to use it for a while; you were lucky it wasn't your dominant hand.

"I've decided I don't like fish." you say as you chuckle softly.  You heard Leo do the same as he approached you, now standing in front of you.  Looking up at him, you watch as he smiles sweetly down at you and making you do the same to him.  Leo then leans forward and kisses your forehead for a moment before taking your damaged hand into his, then slowly and carefully lifting it up to his lips.  He gently kissed your marked hand as a healing gesture, then pulled you in for a loving hug.

This here, was the best healing medicine you could ever receive.

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