true- non (RANT)

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Ok so going on a rant...
Read all before you state your opinion... Also don't hate on someone if they don't agree to what you think x

This was so sad, a stupid idiot (he was 4 years old) decided to go in the fucking gorilla thing at a zoo... Like I know his young but where the fuck was his mum?!

They killed an animal because someone did something so stupid! I'm so angry and upset and I blame the mum for not watching her kid! That animal didn't know what was going on and because of that boy, is now died!

Like no! Ugh I am so mad! I want to slap that mum and the mum is blaming the zoo?! Like sweetie no get your portieres straight!

And I know killing it was going to probably save that boys life and he was calm about the hole think. But the crowd wasn't helping, they were screaming and was scaring the poor gorilla!

That mum needs to get a fine of $828383838373 because she doesn't know how to look after a kid! Don't go out if your kid is crazy, k?! Like I'm crazy but you don't see me jumping in a animal cage to pat it!

Someone said they heard the kid saying "I want to play in the water" talking about the water in the cage!

And all the mum said was "no" and like ok that's the only thing she did right, but then her fat ass looked away and the kid got an animal killed!
I know they couldn't shot it with those things that make it sleep because it was to big and would have taken 40 seconds to actually pass out and if it did it would probably fall on the boy but what can I say... (If you can't tell I'm an animal lover)

The outcome could have been difdernt but I know the zoo keepers had to think fast and I clap for them, it would have been hard killing an animal...

I better go before I say something I am really going to regret..  YOU KNOW WHAT?! I won't regret it I'm just not gonna say it because that mum might read this and noticed how she won't be getting 'parent' of the year!

That gorilla could have been parent of the year but we will never know...

Lol 'eye of the tiger' just came on,

Anwyas I know he was 4 but that is no excuse!

Anyways comment what you thing :) no hate!


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