CHAPTER 5: Stealth mode

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Dedication for giving me initiative to write again!

(Tristians POV)

The ride on the bus was quiet; it was exactly like yesterday except no Claire. Where was she? Well she certainly wasn’t on the bus. Hey don’t judge!

I barely slept a wink last night, trying to piece it all together. Was Claire actually her or not? It couldn’t be, she was dead, right? I saw her fall to her doom. Maybe she was one of them. That would explain a lot. But Claire’s eyes are brown, it could be contacts though. If Claire was… she sure doesn’t act like them, their cockiness gets really annoying. But Claire for some odd reason reminds me of her, maybe she’s a…

My chain of thought ended when I felt the familiar feeling, ‘Dominic’ a voice in my head said, using my real name.

‘Yes Supreme.’ I replied, my mouth not moving.

‘Any leads so far?’ The voice asked.

‘Yes and no.’ I hesitantly replied.

‘Yes…’ he prompted me.

‘Well you see there’s this girl…’ I started.

‘Dominic you are on a mission!’ the voice yelled interrupting me.

‘I know sir but I think she might be… you know…’ I paused looking for the right words. ‘…her, or at least one of them.’

‘Her or one of them?’ His disgust evident in his tone, ‘Are you sure Dominic?’

‘Yes, but she doesn’t act like the rest of them did.’

‘How so?’ he asked.

‘She’s different from them, I don’t know how, but something is up, our informant was defiantly correct.’ I replied.

‘Dominic get to the bottom of this, you have a week.’ The link ended. I groaned. Did he know what he was asking? He’s the Supreme, whatever he says happens, even if it’s the impossible! I got up and made my way off the bus. I should start now, heck school doesn’t matter. I was sent here on a mission, a mission which is now one of the most important. I cannot mess this up!

Walking inside and making my way to the office I entered stealth mode, no one saw me or heard me as I snuck behind the office desk making my way to the cabinet containing all of the students information. Hamel… Hamel… ah there it is Claire Hamel. I took out the folder, no one noticing me, and checked the address, 116 Yukon Avenue. That’s not too far, I could run there in an half an hour, okay its quite far, but I’m fast, comes with the clan.

Half an hour later I was standing outside Claire’s house. It was a small two story house with cream walls and a small front porch. By the looks of it no one was home, but looks can be deceiving, so stealth mode it was.

I looked around or an entrance, there was an open window on the second floor, this is too easy. I ran and jumped up landing right on the sill, standing there was the worst thing that could happen on this mission, Claire, absolute shock written on her face… Busted!

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