"Geez, even his bag is dripping wet.. I hope Nii-san won't mind.." "What won't I mind?" "Kyaah! Niisan!" Iyami's older brother suddenly came home shocking her... "Iyami, what won't I mind?" her brother asked again.. 'Geez, boys keep popping up all of a sudden..' 

"Well, I was just thinking about letting Kasamatsu borrow some of your clothes.. I can't have him getting sick.." she explained "Oh, Kasamatsu huh?.." he just stayed silent then suddenly went upstairs.. 'I think I should prepare some tea..' 

While Iyami went to make tea. The 3 other boys were trying to make themselves busy.. "Sugoi~ This is my first time inside Iyami-chan's house. I was always left outside when we come here." Moriyama sulked

"So you always visit Manager-senpai's home?" Kise asked. "Not really. Just when needed. And it's mostly me, Kobori or Hayakawa. Kasamatsu is too shy to even come here.. Ah! A photo album!" Moriyama just found something he could be busy with.. "Senpai, don't you think it's rude to do that without Manager-senpai's permission?" Kise asked

"It's fine! This is just an album!" Dismissing Kise's warning Moriyama opened the first page... "Awww! Baby Iyami! Her cheeks are so puffy and pink!"....

"A younger Iyami! So cute! She looks like a princess in this picture!" ....

Hearing Moriyama's comments.. Kise and Kobori went beside him to look at the pictures out of curiosity.. "Uwaaah! Manager-senpai played basketball?"-Kise

"And look! This is her brother!" Moriyama pointed to one picture with Iyami, her brother and another guy in a basketball court.. "Wait, doesn't this kid look like someone we know?" Kobori asked.. All three of them studied the boy with black hair, thick eyebrows and blue eyes... "Isn't this..?" ...

"Isn't that what?" Iyami suddenly popped up behind the 3.. "Aaah--Iyami! W-What's that you have there? Is that for us?" Moriyama asked as he hid the album behind him and slid it behind Kobori who passed it to Kise.. Kise passed it back to Kobori and he passed it back to Moriyama.. And continued again with the first process of passing it back and forth.

"Show me your hands!" Iyami screamed. All three showed their hands not sure where the album is.. "...H.." -Iyami

"H?..." the three gulped thinking that she's about to say 'Hand it over' and that any minute they'd be dead but.. "H..Hot!!!" Iyami yelled and ran to the bathroom.. "Hot?" the three looked to see the tea on the floor, steam coming from it.. "Oooh~ Hot!~" They finally understood why she suddenly ran..

"Aaah! It hurts!" Iyami opened the faucet to cool her hand.. "Damn, I'm gonna kill those thr...ee..." she just realized that she entered the bathroom.. where Kasamatsu is.. "Aaah! Why are you still in your uniform?!" Lucky for her he still hasn't showered like she told him to.. "The water is cold! Do you want me to freeze?! And there aren't any towels to dry myself!" he yelled..

"Don't yell at me!" she yelled back "Well you started it!" "Oi! Enough! What are you?! 5 year olds?!" Iyami's brother butted in... "No we're not!" they screamed in sync

"You weren't supposed to answer!"

"Why not?!

"Gaah! Here! I'm going downstairs.. I can't stay with morons for too long.. I might end up like you two."

"What was that?!"

"Nothing! Iyami help Kasamatsu okay?!" Iyami's brother left after handing her some clothes and towel.. "Achoo!.." 'What the..?' Iyami and Kasamatsu looked at each other weirdly.. 'We're even in sync when we sneeze?!'

Not just that.. they're even in sync in thinking! Though they don't know that.. While they we're busy thinking about their synchronization.. another person came to the house..

Synchronized LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя