together again • russell westbrook

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A heart of gold
A hand to hold
A good soul
That's what I'm looking for
I want somebody real
To show me how it feels
So if it feels good, don't let me down

Day and Night~Majid Jordan

Russell walked into his home, setting the groceries he bought on his granite countertop.

His long term girlfriend Aria was coming back today, and he was beyond excited. She had to travel a lot for her job, which was a journalist. She traveled to various places and was paid to write articles on the destination she was sent to.

Russell being on the road all the time as well, the two didn't have time to see each other as they both wanted to.

Aria and Russell met at the gate for a flight, and Russell couldn't help but keep his eyes off of Aria. The two sat directly across from each other, Aria knew exactly who he was and was too nervous to say anything. Russell took matters into his own hands, and went and talked to Aria, the couple immediately hit it off and have been dating for two years.

Russell pulled all of the items out of the grocery bags and prepared to cook for the two of them. Checking the time, he rushed and prepared everything so he had time to shower, and get dressed up.

Aria preferred to stay in, she didn't mind going out, but when it came to Aria he realized she was a simple woman. It didn't take much to please her, she only wanted to spend time with him.

Russell finished getting dressed, and made his way downstairs. He set up candles, and put the roses he bought on the dining room table waiting for Aria.

Aria examined herself in the mirror in her car, satisfied with her appearance, she got out. She was so happy to finally be reunited with Russell after the last couple of weeks. It was always torture to be separated from him, because despite them being away from each other it only added on to their love for each other.

Moving up the walk way to the front door, she raised her hand to knock, but the door was opened before she could. Russell enveloped her in his arms, hugging her tightly and nuzzling his face in her hair.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you," he whispered softly to her.

Aria relaxed into his arms, smiling to herself. "Same here, Russ."

Looking down at her, Russell leaned in giving Aria a soft, sweet kiss. "Come inside, I have a surprise for you."

Aria followed closely behind, her hand in his as they made their way into the dining room. There was a soft glow coming from the candles around the room, and immediately Aria noticed the roses.

"Russell, this is all so sweet." Aria exclaimed, smelling the flowers he bought her.

"Only the best for my girl." He replied, kissing her forehead.

Aria was surprised with all of the things she saw that Russ prepared. He'd cooked, set up the table with candles and a bottle of champagne that was cooling. Everything looked great, and Aria appreciated the effort he always put forward.

"Here, sit baby girl," he motioned pulling out her chair.

Aria sat and watched as he moved around the kitchen. Her eyes followed him everywhere, he'd worn a black dress shirt with black dress pants. Aria loved seeing him all dressed up, and it was even better knowing that he had done all of this stuff for her.

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