Chapter Two- To Have and to Hold

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Chapter 2- To Love and To Cherish

As expected, the Whilt family’s opinion of Alice did not change between the signing of the marriage contract and the 45 minute drive home to the manor.

The Whilt Manor’s exterior was grand and plastered with ivy. Hedges and white rose bushes trimmed it’s edges and the gardens crept a fair distance from the house, allowing room for an over-dramatically long drive-way. 

Although the house was large and equally majestic. It lacked warmth and remained helplessly un-inviting through winter, summer, autumn and spring. Maybe the house was designed to be intimidating or maybe it was Alice’s life-long despise for the Whilt family and everything it touched.

They were snobs. It was true. The whole town knew it. And although the town, itself, was small and clearly humble in general perspective, some people considered it to be theirs. Entirely theirs. These people were the Whilts. Strutting around like they owned the place was their job. Not that many people agreed. If any did, it was because they wanted something. Money. Popularity. Power. The Whilt’s could give them anything they desired in the blink of an eye.

Almost a hundred years before Alice’s birth. Someone decided they wanted something from the Whilts. That someone was Alice’s great grand-father.

The man was greedy and used other people to his advantage. 

Pregnant with their first child, his wife was extremely beautiful. Tall and slender with long platinum hair like gossamer and eyes like emeralds, the woman was sought after even after she wed Alice’s great grand-dad. 

Having already gambled anything of value away, the greedy man signed a contract. A contract, giving away his unborn daughter’s first grand-child of the appropriate gender, to wed the Whilt’s great-grand child when he or she was born. Unable to resist the promise of the irresistible addition to their family. The Whilts, equally greedy for the beauty of the man’s wife, leapt at the opportunity.

So naturally, nearly a century later, Alice Fabray was forced to marry Jason Whilt and vice-versa. Despite his bride being a true beauty and a future wife to be envied, Jason was reluctant to marry Alice. As anyone would be, in the act of marrying a stranger.

Stepping out of the town car that offered Alice with some comfort, took a lot of energy. The whole marriage thing had worn her out. She had cried all the tears she had and Alice just wanted to lie down. She needed to get back to her dreams. Just once. Before they left her at night as well as day.

Alice shut the door as softly as she possibly could. She didn’t want her feelings to come across as aggressive. Sure she was upset, but Alice didn’t want to encourage the Mr and Mrs Whilt’s loathing of her so early in the marriage.

In suffocating silence the family walked to the front gate and began their awkward journey up the driveway. 

“Your room is in the west wing.” Alice’s new mother in law, Elnora Whilt, said sternly as though Alice had done something wrong. “ will be...comfortable there.” She finished in what appeared to be an unsuccessful attempt at being polite.

Alice opened and closed her mouth dumb-founded. It was obvious that she had no idea what to say in response. Her lips were dry from having her mouth shut for so long. Her golden curls fell around her face limply and the wind made the blonde hairs stick to her mouth. Alice was too tired to tuck them behind her ears.

“Jason’s room is also in the west wing” Elnora’s husband, Fabian, said stiffly. “Elnora and I, stay in the east wing” 

Alice could feel Jason’s eyes on her. Was she supposed to say something?

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