You Don't Mind Do You?

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Their first year into middle school. Klowbi and Garry looked at each other and exchanged smiles. "Are you ready?" he asked. Klowbi didn't say much, but he nodded and put a piece of candy in his mouth. The kid sure loved candy.

When the two found the their lockers, they were lucky enough to have their lockers right next to each other. Which the two were happy about.

As Garry put his school supplies in his locker, Klowbi did it more slowly. There seemed to be something on his mind. There has been for a while, but he never wanted to bring it up to Garry since he didn't know how Garry would respond to this type of thing. He glanced at Garry and sighed softly. "Garry, can I talk to you about something?" He asked as he finally started to put his things in his locker. Garry had just put his last book in his locker, he looked at Klowbi with a slightly confused and worried look. "Oui?" He asked.

For a moment, Klowbi hesitated to answer. He didn't even know where to start. Fuck it. He just said it. "I don't feel like a male... nor do I feel like a female." He said. Garry was confused "So, you're not a gender? Like gender fluid or non binary?" He asked.

Klowbi's face lit up happily. "Yeah! So I'm a they/them " He said happily. "You don't mind, do you?" They asked.

"Not at all!" Garry smiled. "Besides, I have a secret of my own.. I'm gay" he grinned.

The two laughed a bit then Klowbi said "fine with me~!"
The two the walked to class.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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