Unconscious Birthday Present

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Chapter 3


It was 11:45, also known as my lunch break. I walked out of the store and across the street to MacDonald’s, the place where I usually ate my lunch that Aya packed me. I sat at a window seat and dumped the bag onto the table. Aya had packed me a chicken and salami sandwich (no crust), a fruit cup of cherries, and some chips and a small bottle of Arizona iced tea.

After taking a bite out of my sandwich, I remembered the letter that I had shoved in my pocket earlier that day and reached back into my butt pocket to get it. I read the back the letter and noticed that it was addressed straight to me in fancy cursive letters.

“This had better be important, cuz if it’s another letter about me getting a hover-round scooter I’ll take this letter and shove it up their ass.” I mumbled to myself as I took a plastic Spork and pried the letter open.

The letter was bordered with gold ribbons and the person’s handwriting was incredibly straight seeing as there were no lines for them to write along. It said:

“Dear Ms. Midori Phantomhive,

       I am very sorry to inform you but your great grandfather, Eustace C. Phantomhive the Second of London, England has died due to a mysterious cause and has mentioned that only a living relative take the remainder of his money, his estate, and myself with them to try to continue the Phantomhive legacy. I will be in North America soon to give you the money in person since you are the last standing relative of the Phantomhive line. I must warn you though Milady that you should keep a watchful eye out for yourself and your young one until I arrive, many wanted to kill your great-grandfather just for what family he was from and they’d have no problems killing you and Miss Aya off as well.

With Pleasure from Your New Butler,

Sebastian Michaelis

I crumpled the letter up and threw it onto my tray sneering, “Gosh, they actually want me to believe that bullshit? If I actually did have a great grandfather the he should have came looking for me…and what the hell kind of name is Eugene or Eustace or whatever that damn letter said.” I thought while leaning back in my chair. I threw the wrappers and papers away from my lunch and walked back to Wal-Mart. I looked at stuff in the little girls’ toy section, knowing full well that Aya’s birthday would be coming up soon and she definitely forgot all about it, the poor thing. I got her one of those dolls that poop and pee themselves that you had to care for and clean all the time. Why this particular doll? Well, Aya is like a mother figure to me although there is a huge age difference between us, one day she’s going to be a great mother so I thought some practice wasn’t going to hurt. I paid for the toy and headed toward the bus stop. It was awkwardly quiet and no one was at the bus stop with me for once. Normally, Ronald Knox would be there to try and chat/flirt with me but he wasn’t even there. I sat on the bus bench and felt a chill that caused me to shiver almost uncontrollably.

“W-what the hell? W-what's with this sudden uncomfortable feeling?” I said while holding my shoulders.

The next thing that I knew someone had placed a cloth across my face and consciousness slowly slipped out of me.


Sorry this one is ridiculously short...but'm working on chapter 3 right now...with any luck i should have it sometime today :)

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