Chapter 33: Throwing Stones

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"What letter was she talking about?" Lydia asked, refusing to wait. "Why would you write to that criminal?"

"Leave it be, Lydia," her mother said. "There was no letter, she was lying."

"Why would she lie about that?" Lydia asked. "In what universe would she conjure up a lie about a letter you wrote to Arthur Denning?"

"I don't know, but that does not concern me," her mother replied. "You are focusing on the wrong thing, Lydia."

"Pray, tell."

"She mentioned Lucy was disturbed coming home from the ball at Dawn-Bridge," her mother replied. "I believe that is the reason why she had decided to stay, not this tosh about a letter I wrote to a known criminal."

Lydia didn't buy that, but what could she do? Of course she would try and figure it out on her own, she knew that Beatrice was not lying about that letter. She was going to find out what that letter said, because Beatrice knew. Obviously she had thrown in the detail of the ball to divert them from the point of the story; giving them two details and allow them to figure out which one was more important. Lydia remembered her father speaking about that. It was a vague memory, but now it was more pertinent than ever.

Lydia was going to get to the bottom of this, and figure out what her mother was hiding.


Lanfore, Hertfordshire

Sebastian Lucas waited with a bouquet of flowers for Elizabeth Donaldson. His plan was to take her for a walk and serenade her with stimulating conversation. He knew he could sweep that girl off her feet and make her forget James Boatwright. The advantage was that she did not know her father's ulterior motives. To her, James was a marital prospect, and Sebastian could match that.

Elizabeth arrived alone, which was what he requested. He did not need a chaperone, and neither did she. His concern was for her to see him as he was. She was a lovely girl, that much was obvious, and she had no wealth for him to lust after.

"Ms. Donaldson," Sebastian bowed deeply and kissed the back of her hand. "You look like the English Rose all poets froth to write verses of."

"You are too kind," she smiled and nodded to the flowers. "Are those for me?"

"Who else?" Sebastian presented the flowers to her and offered her his arm. "Shall we?"

Elizabeth smiled and took his arm. As he led her out of the market, his thoughts were spinning with how he was going to go about wooing her. He had to steer conversation away from James, who was long gone from here.But to speak about himself only would make him look as self centered as he really was. He had to play this right.

"I hope I did not shock you too much with how openly I displayed my affections," Sebastian said as he walked her to the grove. "I figured that it would not do for you to have to settle for someone who is not worthy of your time."

Elizabeth blushed at that. "And you think you are, Mr. Lucas?"

"Oh, I know I am," Sebastian replied. "But that is my opinion, of course. You are entitled to your own, Ms. Donaldson."


"I think I am your perfect match," Sebastian said. "But if you do not share that opinion, then you may feel more than free to reject my proposal. I did it with only me deepest feelings for you at heart, I am only sorry I waited so long. I just figured that my status in Hertfordshire and reputation would be enough for you to accept, and if you do not share my feelings, then that could come later. I do know that I can provide a safe and happy home for you, anywhere you want. I have estates elsewhere, so you do not have to be rooted in Hertfordshire forever, if that is your wish."

"Can you take me to London?" Elizabeth asked as they sat between two towering trees with leaves that boasted the colors of autumn falling down around them. "I have so wished to go there."

"If that is your desire, then so be it," Sebastian smiled. "Anything for you, Elizabeth. I mean only to make you happy."

"My father will have to give his consent," Elizabeth said with a shy smile.

"I've no doubt about that," Sebastian replied smoothly. "I will present myself to your father and allow him to do so."

"Truly?" Elizabeth looked mystified.

"Indeed, my Lady. I will lay myself bare for you, such is the depth of my feelings," he took her hand in his hand kissed the back of it. "And thus it shall be."

"If it shall be," Elizabeth corrected him. "There is still the proposal of James Boatwright to consider."

"The one that he could not stick around long enough to offer you?" Sebastian asked. "Elizabeth, darling, you are a goddess amongst thieves. Why should you have to be made to wait for a man who did not give your feelings a second thought? A man who, at first opportunity, took off into the sunset, and put his business before you? I would never do that, Elizabeth. For me, you always come first."

She looked rather convinced by his little speech, and Sebastian had to hold back a laugh. What better way to steer her away from his good friend than making him sound like a soulless troll?

"Well, Mr. Lucas," Elizabeth stood gracefully and smoothed out her skirts. "I believe we have a few more hours together."

Sebastian stood as well. "Right you are," he offered her his arm. "Shall we, my dear?"

The two of them walked out of the grove, arm in arm and, as they left, Sebastian caught sight of Bertha Denning passing them by. They shared a nod that Elizabeth did not see.

The plan was rolling along smoothly, and they both knew it. If it went as it should, Bertha would have her house in the south of France, James would have Lucy, and Sebastian would have a proper wife.

But, of course, as it always happened, the best laid plans often went awry. Sebastian was ready for that, and prepared for the worst.

He only hoped James was. If not, the storm was well on its way to blast him to oblivion.


En route to Belmoran

The captain called James to the helm later that day, when the sun was just setting on the horizon. James had spent the better part of the day fuming at the thought of having his voyage stalled due to the lack of wind, and he was in no mood to discuss any more bad news.

As it was, no such news was to come.

"Take this," the captain handed James the spyglass. "Look a'ead."

James frowned and did as he was told. It took a moment, but when he focused on what he knew he was supposed to be seeing, he couldn't help but grin.

"Jus' a day's voyage now, sir," the captain say. "Come morn', we will dock in Belmoran."

"Land ho, captain," James handed the spyglass back to him. "Land ho..."

I'm here, Lucy. I'm here, my love.

Author's note: Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoyed! Drama is here, as most would say, what sort of havoc do you think James is going to wreck in Belmoran? ;)

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