The Call Part 3 (Side Chapter) (FINAL)

Start from the beginning

He charged at me and slashed my arm. There was blood running down my arm, but I didn't have time to patch it up. Vylad charged at me again and tried to slash at my leg, but I linked one of my discs through his sword and the other through his arm, and jumped high into the air.  I started spinning, which caused Vylad to spin with me. I did a few front flips and then I threw him towards the ground using my discs. He plummeted to the ground, causing a small crater to form from the impact. 

I floated down, seeing if Vylad was okay. He was fine, just bruised and scratched. He got up, barely standing on one leg, using his sword as a cane.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, sounding concerned.

"I will be after I take this potion." Vylad said. He drank the potion and stood up. His cuts and bruises reduced to nothingness.

"Okay, I think we're ready for Ivy and Hedera." I said, walking towards him.

"Yeah. Oh, and one more thing." Vylad said.

"What is it?" I asked.

He tripped me and held his sword in front of my face.

"Don't let your guard down." Vylad said with a smirk.

"Oh ha ha, I totally would have won if you wouldn't have had that healing potion." I said, getting up.

"Alright, now let's get home to get our stuff." Vylad said.

~At home~

Me and Vylad touched up our weapons. I upgraded the material on my discs from metal to Ruby. Vylad resharpened his sword.

"Okay, let's go kick some ass." I said, putting on my protective mask, kind of like Zane's.

~At the Battle Zone~

Me and Vylad walked up and saw Ivy and Hedera. They looked even more like cunts in their fighting gear.

"So, are you ready to die?" Hedera asked, readying her weapon.

"Please, you already look dead." I said to her. She got mad and huffed.

"Get him, Big Sis Ivy!" She yelled at her sister.

"No problem!" Ivy said, launching into the air. I launched after her, leaving Vylad to take care of Hedera.

3rd Person POV (Oooooooo spooky)

Ivy went to slash at Jason with her Scythe which was poison tipped, but Jason dodged it and threw one of his discs at her, which hit her in the stomach. Jason took the opportunity to dash towards her and hit her on the head with his other disc, causing her to crash down into the ground.

While this was happening, Hedera and Vylad were fighting. Vylad went to slash at her and successfully got her in the back. Hedera grunted in pain, and quickly recovered. She went to punch Vylad in the stomach and successfully hit him. Then she kneed him in the jaw. She then grabbed his arm and threw him against a tree, knocking him out. Jason saw this and instantly raged up.

"HEDERA!" Jason screamed in anger. He launched down to the ground, causing a seismic shock to occur, knocking Hedera off balance. Jason rushed over to her and kicked her in her side, causing her to fly through two trees. Hedera quickly got back up.

"Really? A kick?" Hedera said, mocking him.

"How in the fuck did that not knock her unconscious?" Jason thought.

"It's going to take a lot more than a kick to beat me!" Hedera said, charging at Jason.

"Okay, but you asked for it!" Jason said. He threw his discs up in the air, and they began changing. They broke off, combined, and elongated into a staff.

Hedera tried to hit Jason, but he used his staff to jump in the air and land safely on the ground. He then hit Hedera on both of her sides, and then uppercut her with the staff, sending her flying in the air before crashing down on her back.

She charged at Jason, slashing him in the face with her nails. Blood trickled down Jason's face and Hedera smirked.

"Guess who's poisoned?" She said, laughing.

"No problem, I'll beat you before it takes effect." Jason said, confident.

Jason took something from his hip and put it on the staff, turning it into a sledgehammer. Jason rushed at Hedera and kicked her in the chest, sending her flying into the air. He jumped up above her and did a few front flips before bringing one end of the sledgehammer down upon her head, making her smash down into the ground, causing a tree to uproot and fall on Ivy, immobilizing her.

"BIG SIS IVY!" Hedera yelled.

Hedera became engulfed with rage and slashed at Jason, hitting him every time with her nails, poisoning him some more. Jason dashed back to gain some distance.

"Scared now?" Hedera asked Jason.

"Not even. Your face is scaring me more right now than this poison is." Jason said, chuckling a bit at his own joke. Ivy yelled in rage and charged at Jason again. Jason swung his hammer to the side, hitting Hedera in her ribs, tossing her a few feet.

"Y'know, I had a feature where this can turn into pistols, but I think I'll skip that and go straight to the final transformation." Jason said, tossing his sledgehammer into the air. It reformed into one big disc, and Jason dived through it. It deteriorated, and as it did, Jason started getting armor. Ruby armor. It covered everywhere on his body, so Hedera couldn't slash at him anymore.

"Fuck!" Hedera said, trying to think of what to do.

Jason rushed at Hedera and started repeatedly punching her in the face, each punch more powerful than the last one. Jason punched her in the forehead and she went flying down to the ground.

Hedera did one last move out of desperation. She got up and rushed over to Vylad and held her nails at his throat.

"DON'T MOVE, OR HE DIES!" Hedera yelled at Jason.

"VYLAD, NO!" Jason yelled, but didn't move.

A few minutes passed by until Vylad regained consciousness, and became fully aware of the situation he was in. He tried to struggle and ended up kicking Hedera in the knee, but that made her mad. She slashed at Vylad's throat and she dropped him on the ground.

"NOOOOOO!" Jason yelled. Suddenly, the area around him turned pink and so did his Ruby armor. Isadora's relic has activated and Jason was furious.

He made the grass grow and wrap itself around Hedera's wrists, pulling her to the ground. She fell to her knees and Jason walked up to her.

"Please, don't kill me!" Hedera begged Jason.

Jason was so furious, that he didn't care what she said. He made an ivy from the tree that had fallen on Ivy to wrap around Hedera's neck, and slowly took her life.

After that, he made a tree branch jut out and stab Ivy through her heart, killing her instantly. He then pressed his hand on Vylad and healed his slashed throat while extracting the poison. He also extracted the poison from his face and head himself. He then went over to Vylad and picked him up, and flew home.

~After the fight~

Several moans could be heard throughout the house, as Vylad was giving Jason immense pleasure.

"V-Vylad!" Jason moaned, making sure to not be too loud to wake the neighbors.

"T-this is thanks for saving my life." Vylad said, kissing Jason passionately.

Jason moaned a few more times and so did Vylad, before they both released and Vylad collapsed onto Jason, falling asleep on him.

"Well great, now I'm stuck like this....." Jason said, and slowly dozed off to sleep.




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