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Mrs. Raven, or Mrs. Talor, the name she goes by at work and in magazines, took forever. Since she's a designer, which I never knew about, she went all out. She also brought two of her work colleagues to help her. They went from my hair all the to clothes. When it came to make-up, that's when I put my foot down. Make-up doesn't define beauty. I've always liked the way I looked, and I don't want make-up to turn me into the person I'm not. Thankfully, they put away the utensils, and brushes. Through all that, that's how I ended up sitting in the waiting room. Light purple dress, and my blonde hair gently resting on my shoulders.

"Liliana Marie Meadows." The lady said. Looking around the waiting room, till her eyes landed on me. "Come dear." She looked really annoyed. She probably is, since there we're hundred of girls before me.

"Good luck!" Max told me, who volunteered to wait with me, and thanks to him, he'll keep this little secret from mom and dad until after I was picked to be their temporary 'princess' till coronation. I sighed, and stood up. I ordered myself to smile once I get into the room. I looked over at Max without a word. He winked. The lady guided me inside the room.

"Good luck!" She whispered, smiling, "The secret is to relax." The room was pretty big. Looked more like a meeting room, with a long table in the middle of the room. Three people stood at the end of the table. Two women, and one man. All wearing black. Seriously? Did I miss something? There was a glass 'window' looking thing, in the back. If I was certain, I would have thought it was a one-way window. Man, I need to brush up on my reading.

"Good Evening Miss. Meadows. The women, on the far right said.

"Good evening Ma'me." I tried to use as much of courtesy as possible.

The smiled, "All you have to do today is answer a few questions, then Mr. Jeff will take on from there. Right sir?" She looked at the man on the far left, who I assumed was Mr. Jeff. He nodded.

"That's right."

"Now, Miss. Meadows, why did you decide to enter the contest?"

I was unprepared for that question, but honesty always wins, right? Maybe I can stretch it a little? Leave out the unimportant information?

"Well, I saw a flyer hanging on the stores window where I work. Even before, my brother asked me if I would be interested in joining."

The lady nodded, "So, you said you work in a store? Mind if I ask the name of it, and your job?"

"Certainly, it's The Pet Patch, on SunCreek Rd. My job is to care for the animals, and make sure they go to the right homes. Even if it's a pet store, we still end up rescuing animals on the streets."

"I see." She said plainly. She probably wasn't interested in anything I had just said. "If you were to become princess, what would you want to see in the kingdom?"

Like I'll ever become princess. I thought. "I would like to see people people to stop abusing animals, the pet store and the shelter are already packed with animals. There are less and less adoptions everyday." I said sadly.

"Is that all?" The lady asked, raising an eyebrow.

I thought for a minute, "The orphans also need funds and support." I remembered how mom and I used to visit the orphanage when I was a little girl. We would organize games and small picnic's for them.

"I understand. Well," she concluded, closing her notebook, "I've heard enough, Suze? Would you like to add anything?"

Suze cleared her throat, "I don't believe you have written down your interests on your application, what do you like to do?" Her voice sounded a lot nicer than the one before her.

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