That night, we watched the Titanic (again) and he had been fidgeting throughout the whole entire movie. I didn't really think about that though. My thoughts were that he was afraid that we were going to sink like the Titanic or something. He was always a bit paranoid about those things. I focused on the movie and rested my head on his broad shoulder. During the movie, I found myself casting my gaze from the screen to Zayn's many tattoos, inked onto his tank skin. I remembered these details crystal clear in the back of my head.

Later that night, when I was convinced nothing else weird would be happening, we stayed up and talked in the kitchen. He then went on to tell me that there was dessert in the freezer if I wanted something else to eat, which I always did. 

Ice cream.

I loved that he always made sure that I had ice cream. Indeed, it did keep me out of my bad moods. He was just sweet that way.

"There's ice cream in the freezer," Zayn told me, "I got it just for you because...well we all know how much you love it."

"This is why you're the greatest boyfriend ever," I giggled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He still needed to shave- his stubble pricked my lips. However, I still loved the stubble on him. It looked good on him actually- it just tickled when I kissed him, which was quite often.

"Pen, I don't think there's one day we don't have ice cream in the fridge for you. If there's none, you make me go buy some so might as well keep a good stock eh?"

"You're too good for me," I grinned and shook my head. We sat at the island of the kitchen inside the yacht, sitting on a few bar stools provided. I left Zayn there to retrieve the ice cream from the freezer. "I hope you know you're the best man in the world to me...besides my dad...he's always number one."

Zayn chuckled, "Eat your ice cream."

"Fine," I put my hands in the air in surrender, "someone's being a bit bossy today."

There was one solitary container of ice cream in the freezer. I'd think he'd buy more than one, but then again we were only staying for one night in this yacht, just like the last time. I brought it over to the island counter, placed a napkin underneath so the condensation wouldn't drip down, and took the lid off. 

"Huh, it's already been opened," I noticed that the lid came off quite easily. Usually, new containers were harder to take off. Did Zayn already eat some or what?

Then I glanced down at the ice cream. There, smack in the middle of the sweet dessert was a rather shiny diamond ring pressed into the ice cream. 

Now you would think that this would be a beautiful and romantic gesture (especially because it was done with ice cream) but it took the both of us five minutes to tug the ring out since it was really stuck in there. I guess Zayn wasn't really thinking it through when he stuck the ice cream in the freezer...The freezer had one job and that was to freeze so naturally, the ring had been frozen into the ice cream.

The best thing was that he didn't go all out on the ring. It didn't cost more than fifteen thousand. It was actually a ten thousand pound ring, and even then I told him he spent too much. I still remembered our conversation.

It basically just consisted of him telling me to drop the subject of the price of the ring. Even after the proposal that I accepted, I still pestered him about the price. It was way too much. He knew I liked the simple things better than extravagant- even if it was a diamond ring. I still loved the ring though. I got it resized after it became too small, even though Zayn offered to buy a different one instead. I refused of course. I wanted the one he proposed to me with and that was all.

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