Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


Amy fell onto her couch washed out after Natalie and the others left. It had been a long day mentally and physically and she needed to rest. She sat there thinking over the day.

Jacob still looked good, as handsome as ever, if not better. His features had firmed up a bit giving him a more manly appearance.

Realizing where her thoughts were taking her she jumped up from the couch and headed for the bathroom shower. Placing a cap over her new hairdo she stood under the shower letting the water pour over her tired body. After getting out she dried off, put on a nightgown, and then turned on some soft music before crawling into bed. She thought that she would have trouble falling asleep but exhaustion took over and a deep dreamless sleep claimed her.

The morning sun shining in her eyes woke Amy up. For a minute she lay there wondering where she was. She had slept right through the evening and through the night so deep she had a hard time waking up. Then it all came back to her. Jacob and his parents were here in town, not too far away at Caleb and Jasmine's house. Today, after Sunday meeting, everyone was to gather at Adam and Ruth's for lunch. She had made a nice life for herself and she hoped it didn't get turned upside down again.

When she pulled up to the house the older children came running from around back to help her carry the goodies they knew that she would have for them. She really had spoiled them. It was difficult not to though because they were all well-mannered and so sweet. She was surprised by Jacob coming around the corner of the house. He walked up and took the casserole dish out of her hands saying as he led the way to the back of the house; "It's warm today so Ruth decided that we would eat outside. Everything is already set up out back."

"That's a good idea. We don't get very many warm days this time of year. It would be a shame to waste it."

"That's what we all decided. You look lovely this morning. Your day in the park doesn't seem to have tired you out."

"You forget I'm used to it. We do that on a regular basis. It's a good way for us all to keep in touch. With everyone moved out and working we don't see one another like we used to."

"Yes, I know what you mean. It's been lonely at home with Ruth and Jasmine gone. I wish we didn't live so far away."

"I'm surprised you haven't married and started a family of your own by now." Amy mentally kicked herself when those words left her mouth.

Jacob was surprised at first and almost confessed his feelings right there and then but the look on her face forestalled him. She didn't look too happy about what she had said. Instead he answered her question as honestly as he could.

"I have been too busy to think about dating. Dad helps in the dairy but everything else falls on me. I've been thinking about talking to them about selling or leasing the farm."

"What would you do?"

"I haven't really given it much thought. Oh, maybe hire myself out to someone else in need of help. I have my diploma from Ag school so I shouldn't have to difficult a time finding something."

"It would be a big change for you. Taking orders, your time wouldn't be your own."

"It's not anyway. The dairy owns me. At least that way I might have some time off, hopefully."

"You know, it's ironic; Adam faced this same dilemma when he hired Ruth. Have you given any thought to hiring someone?"

"It crossed my mind but after looking over the accounts I realized that we couldn't afford it. We aren't as big as you."

Amy's Dilemma. (Book 4 Of The Arlington Series) (complete )Where stories live. Discover now