Chapter 11

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I wake up and blink a couple times. It takes me a moment to realize that I'm in a car. I look out the window and see a lot of trees. Uh....? I look over to my left and see Damon driving. "Morning! Sleep well?" he smirks. I look out the window again. There is now way that were in Mystic Falls. "Where are we?" I asks. "Georgia." he responds. "Georgia? No were not. Seriously Damon where are we?" I ask again. "Seriously in Georgia." he looks at me. I sigh. "How are you? No broken bones I checked." Damon says. Am I a bit freaked out Damon checked my body? Yeah kinda. I started remembering last night.

"My car. There was a man... I hit a man.... But then he got up..?! Who the hell was that!?" I stutter. "That's what I'd like to know." Damon says and I can see him grabbing the wheel a bit hard. "Uh. Where's my phone?" I ask searching my pockets. "Damon you have to turn back around. Elena is probably freaking out. Nobody knows where I am. Don't even get me started on Jenna. Damon pull over the car!" I demand. I look at him and he doesn't budge. "I'm serious Damon pull over the car. Now!" I yell. He sighs.

"You know you were much more fun when you were asleep!" he says and pulls over. I roll my eyes. "Please I'm always fun!" I say and get out of the car. I'm not feeling so well. I bend over. My head is pounding. I feel wobbly. In a second Damon's hand is in my shoulder. He looks at me concerned. "I'm fine." I say and get up. "Damon you do know that we have to go back." I say and look at him. "Oh come on we've already gone this far!" Damon says. "I can't be in Georgia. I wreaked my car Damon we have to go back." I pout.

Its not that I'd hate spending alone time with Damon its just that everyone probably thinks I'm dead or something. "You know this is technically kidnapping." I say. "That's a little melodramatic don't you think?" He smirks. I glare at him. "You know I could always compel you to have fun." he points out. I look down to my bracelet. Except its not there. Oh shit. I threw it off at Stefan's. I hear a phone ring. Uh... That's my phone. I look over to Damon who is trying to ignore the noise.

"That's my phone" I look at him. He keeps ignoring it. I look at him. He sighs and pulls out my phone. He looks at the caller ID and smirks. "Its Stefan." he says. I look down and sigh. I shake my head. I do not want to talk to him right now. "Emma's phone how may I assist you?" Damon says and smirks. I roll my eyes and smile a bit. I walk to a fence near us and look at the beautiful scenery around us. I lean on the fence and breath out.

I turn to Damon. He's looking at me. "I guess I could use some time off from Mystic Falls drama." I say. Damon smirks. "But I have one condition. You can not compel me!" I say. "I accept that condition. Now let's go." he grabs my hand and Pulls me towards the car. He opens the door and I get in. He vampire speeds to the drivers seat and gets in. "So where'd you put my car?" I ask as we start driving down the road. "I pulled it to the side of the road. I don't think anyone's gonna bother it." Damon says.

"What about the guy in the road. Was he a-" I start. "From what I could tell yeah." Damon says. I frown. I stare at him a while. He looks over to me and I close my eyes pretending to be asleep.

I guess I actually fell asleep cause I suddenly open my eyes to see us stopped. I look outside and see a sign. Bree's Bar. "You brought me with you to go to a bar?" I raise my eyebrow. I get out of the car with Damon. "Come on." he says. "There not gonna let me in." I say. "Sure they will." he says and starts walking to the doors. I sigh and run after him. We get inside and Damon smiles at a tall dark skinned woman behind the counter. She looks up and grins.

"No, no it can't be. Damon Salvatore?" She asks and jumps over the counter. "Honey pie!" she says and gives him a big kiss. I stare at them wide eye and mouth open. I close my mouth and shake my head. I move behind them and sit at the bar. I sigh. This is gonna be a long night.
"Here's to the man who broke my Heart, crushed my soul, and ruined any and all chances of happiness." Bree pours some drinks and sets them in front of us. I grab it and drink it in less then a second before anyone can say anything. She looks at me shocked. I shrug and set the empty shot glass in front of me.

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