Leodas Male - Leander Leodas

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Name: Leander Leodas

Age: 21

House: Leodas

Personality: Drawing his roots from a line of strong men and women, Leander has grown up with the kill or be killed mentality. As such, the people he views as weak tend to be anyone who gives up, and Leander has very low tolerance for any sort of verbal complaint. Proud, almost to a fault, he will never back down from a challenge until he is dead and gone. Leander, while a Leodas at heart, has also shown some rather unique traits compared to the stereotypical Leodas male. He's always preferred to be one in the background shouting orders, rather than one of the men on the frontlines like most of his kin. Leander has also shown his voracious appetite for knowledge, one he eagerly sates within the musty libraries of his family's estate and the woods near his home. Being able to turn any situation, no matter how bleak, into has favour has always been one of Leander's best qualities and one he believes will allow him to succeed where others fail.

Appearance: Sporting shoulder length hair that is such a pale blond it could almost be white, it contrasts greatly against his very tanned skin. Leander is short in stature and appears almost mismatched, having a distinctly muscled torso which he lacks in his lower regions. Fashion-wise, he enjoys wearing loose fitting clothing and has a distinct weakness for robes which he will wear at any occasion possible. Ever since the accident, he has also needed to carry around a staff to assist himself with walking. Unsurprisingly, due to the many excursions Leander takes into the woods, he is almost always found with cuts or scrapes somewhere along his body and mud staining his garments.

Background: Leander was always a bright individual, even in childhood, and it reflected in the way he acted with other children. Because of his maturity, he did not have many friends besides his brother who took pity on him and would sometimes play with him or attempt to include Leander in any games he played with his peers. After years of trying to befriend the other kids, his efforts were dashed during a game of hide and seek. Leander had found himself a rather excellent hiding spot within a hollow willow tree and to his delight, no one was able to find him. Minutes turned into hours and still he waited, cradled in his little nest. At this point a storm had brewed and a bolt of lightning struck the tree Leander was hiding in. The bolt seared his mind and caused the nerves in his right leg to cease functioning properly, confining him to the life of a cripple. To add to that, Leander's respiratory system never recovered and he fell prone to fits of coughing. Unable to keep up with the children and their playing, Leander turned to study as a replacement. Finding himself drawn to books regarding herbs, he became quite an expert in this field after years of study with which he helped many people.

Motivation: In the words of his House "Might is power", Leander wants to prove to the world that there is more than one kind of might and eagerly awaits the opportunity.  

Author Games: The Empty ThroneWhere stories live. Discover now