66. We Are ............ Player

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I know we're young and fresh out of high school , But we have known each other for like ever. You were there for me when my parents died. Right then I knew I was in love with you. She looked at me. I smiled. We've had our up's and down's but mainly up's. We went through alot you and me. She smiled. I know your scared of relationships because of your parents, But you cant live your life by your parents mistakes. No one's perfect, I sure as hell isn't perfect. But Jane your perfect to me. And I know Im violent and a player. Of course my player days were over when you and me started getting close. She look at me and smiled. I love you Jane, I said with a smile.

I'm glad you and your dad are working on things and getting close because you might need him for this, I said. "For what?" She ask. I pointed over to the hill beside her. She looked over and just stared. I got down on one knee. Jane will you marry me? I ask. She look back over in my direction. She look up I guess thinking I was still standing. Then she look down at me. I look at her still very nervious. "Yes," She said with a smile. I stood up and kissed her. I put the ring on her finger and kissed her again. She playfully slap my arm. What was that for? I ask. "You seriously had me thinking you were leaving and never coming back," She said.

I'm sorry, I said as I kissed her again. Stay with me tonight, I said. "Okay," She said kind of in a small hucky voice. We walk to the car and started driving to my house. "So when are you wanting the wedding?" She ask. I dont know when do you want it? I ask. "I want you to decide," She said. Well okay um, How about 2 months, I said. "2 months," She said with a smile. You asked, I said laughing. "Well I guess we could get everything done in 2 months," She said. We dont have to do it in 2 months Jane, I said. "No 2 months is fine," She said with a smile. I smiled. "It's weird we never dated, we just went from best friends to getting married," She said. Yes, it makes it even more fun, I said.

I Pulled into the driveway and got out of the car, I walk over to her side of the car and opened the door. "Thank you," She said. there was just something about the way she said that, that turned me on. We walk in I took her clutch out of her hand. "What are you doing?" She ask as I layed her clutch on the table. Shhh, I said as I put my hand threw her hair and kissed her, we walk back into the wall. As the kiss got more heavy, She help me unbutton my shirt. I pick her up and sat her down on the counter, I pulled back and layed my head on hers.

Would you regret for not saying no to me? "No, no I wouldnt," She said. So Yes? I ask. "Yes," She said with a smile. I smiled. Your outfit was stunning tonight, but I prefer you with out it, I said. "Oh really? I like to see you try to get it off of me," She said. I laughed. Challenge accepted, I said. I kissed her again and took her shirt off and picked her up and she wrap her legs around me. I carried her upstairs and sat her down on my bed, I layed over her as I kissed her neck. I kissed her side to her stomach back up to her lips.

We start to slow down Jane and I were wrap in the sheets. I layed on my side looking at Jane as she was looking at me. "It was hard to trust someone and Im glad I let myself trust you," She said. You were the first girl I really let in my life, I said as I moved her hair back. "Really," She said with a small smile. There wasnt much light in the room all it was, was moon light. Yes, You were my first time really trusting someone also. My first time doing this that were doing right now. "Wait what? Seriously?" She said. I gave her a blank look. Jane I maybe a player, But I sure as hell wasn't going around having sex with every girl I see, I said. "Good to know," She said with a smile. I laughed. I think this was my first real relationship and that was without dating, I said.

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