Chapter 2

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CHAPTER 2: Stucky

Tony's POV

After seeing the way Steve was looking at Bucky this morning made me sad. I'm usually not the type to have feelings when it comes to my best friends, but this is Steve. We've been living together for three years now, and he's like a brother to me now. All I want is for my brother to be happy, and the only way for that to happen is if Steve gets his head out of his ass and talk to Bucky.

"Stark! Focus!" I heard as I stopped daydreaming.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed as a dodgeball came at me. I fell to the floor only to have it hit my coach instead.

He blew the whistle and when I went to apologize he dismissed me and the rest of the class.

"Hey Tony, don't worry about it. I do it all the time." Bucky said from behind me.

I forgot he was in this class.

"You have a metal arm that can throw a ball farther then in this gym, why are you in this class?" I asked.

"I need the credits, I failed last year and if I don't I won't be able to fight on a real battle ground," he said.

"Well, this was nice but I have to meet Steve in the lab," I said and his face fell when I mentioned him.

"Say hi for me," he said.

"Or you could say it yourself," I said and shut the door behind me.

In a split second the doors opened revealing Bucky.

"That's what I thought," I said smirking and put my sunglasses on.

As we walked to the lab that was on the other side of the damn school-I love Bruce but I can't be walking this long everyday- I could see Bucky was in deep thought.

"Hey kid, it'll be fine," I said.

"Don't call me kid," he said and when I opened the large doors to the lab we saw Steve shirtless, mind you, and wired up to a large machine with a thousand light bulbs.

"Rogers, lookin good," I said and he huffed in annoyance.

"I've been standing here for 2 hours, Banner went out to get us food" he said.

"Well I've got something that might cheer you up," I said and he furrowed his brows in confusion.

I turned around and copied his actions. Where the hell is Bucky?

"Once second," I said and rushed out.

I looked around the hallway, checked the bathroom. Why would he just leave like that?

Bucky's POV

My head hurts...where the hell am I?

"Good, you're awake," I heard a familiar voice from the corner of the dark room I was in.

"I told you of you ever did this to me again I would end you," I threatened.

Loki, Thor's annoying piece of shit brother, came out from the corner smirking.

"Where were you off too, to see Steve perhaps? You really think after two years he would just be your friend again?" he asked.

"Of course, he's my best friend. You know if you had one you would let me go and see him instead of trapping me in a room," I said.

Loki laughs his normal evil laugh and I strike at him. Loki tries to hit back but I've already thrown a desk at him.

I grab him by his shirt and shove him against the wall causing him to look me in the eyes in fear.

"Never try to get between me and Steve ever again, you got that?" I threatened and Loki shook his head quickly and ran out. Asshole.

After dealing with the god of stupidity, I walked out the room and heard Tony calling for me.

"Stark!" I exclaimed and he turned around and sped over to me.

"Where have you been? I thought you bailed on me," he said and I shook my head.

"Loki trapped me in a classroom to tell me that Steve doesn't want to talk to me, maybe he's right," I said but deep down I know he's not.

"Barnes, that's not true. And I could prove you wrong if you walk with me to the lab, eat lunch with us, and hurry we only have 45 minutes left until our last class," he said and I nodded.

Steve's POV

While Tony left to get my "surprise", Banner finally showed up with our lunch. But since his project involves the human bodies hidden abilities I can't eat any solid foods. So he got me soup, like a prisoner.

"Your heart rate is normal, blood flow is good," he said checking the monitors.

"How long is this project supposed last?" I asked.

"It's due at the end of the year," he said and I nodded. Of course he would be the one to start on the first day. As for me I would probably do something last minute.

"Ok, you have to stay hooked up to those wires for at least 5 more minutes, I'll feed you," he said.

"Wait what," I said realizing what he just said.

"Babe! There you are. You look adorable in that coat," Tony said storming in here with a huge grin on his face. It's really cute how he is when Bruce is around him, I wish I had something like that in my life.

"Oh Rogers, surprise!" He said pointing to the one and only Bucky Barnes in all his glory.

"And here I thought it was a gift card," I joked causing Bucky to laugh. How I missed that.

"Hey Steve, nice wires," he said and I blushed realizing I'm still shirtless in the middle of this huge lab.

"Uh thanks, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?" I asked as Bruce took a few wires off my head.

"I had to see you," he said and turned to see Tony and Bruce had left to the other room in the lab. Probably to make out.

"Buck, why now?" I asked and he stood there with his blue eyes boring into mine.

"I miss you Steve. I know it was hard when you lost your parents and had to live with Tony, but I want us to be friends again. Best friends. If you let me," he said sighing as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"Of course Bucky, it's my fault for pushing you away. I never wanted you to think I hated you or anything, I just left our friendship on pause for too long," I said and he smiled and went to hug me but realized I was still hooked up to the machine.

"Banner!" I called out and the room door busted open with his lab coat off and his hair a mess.

"Yeah?" he asked and Tony appeared with his shirt off. Oh my god.

"Ok Steve, you're all done," Bruce said and I attacked Bucky with the biggest hug I could give.

"Um, did we miss something?" Tony asked smirking.

"We are officially friends again," Bucky said and Tony smiled.

"That's great! Now let's eat," Bruce said and I nodded and we all sat together and laughed and joked around.

I'm really glad I have my best friend back, it was only a matter of time we made amends. I have Tony to thank for this, and I know he'll be ranting about being the one who got "Stucky" back to being friends.


I kind of like that.

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